Chapter 2

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I woke up in a hospital

"Oh come on. ALL I DID WAS CRASH" I exclaimed

"Oh, you're finally awake" I heard a voice say


"Hey, calm down. It's alright. You're safe from the cookies of darkness"

I just glared at the cookie that was talking to me

"Please stay put. I need to heal your injuries" He said

"Do NOT get anywhere near my body" I snapped

"I need to see your injuries more clearly.."

I just scoffed

The cookie rolled down my stockings, revealing several burn marks

He looked shocked

"What happened.." He muttered

"Dark Enchantress happened." I said

Then I realized the cookie in front of me was Pure Vanilla Cookie

I got up

"And now I'm leaving" I said

"I still need to heal those burns" Pure Vanilla said

"You can't. Dark Enchantress put a spell on them that makes them permanent. It also makes them hurt like HELL if I don't have burn ointment"

"At least let me give you some burn ointment"

"Fine. But only because I left them"

Pure Vanilla went to a drawer, took out a bottle of burn ointment, and handed it to me

"Than-" I said before getting cut off by the door opening

I saw Gingerbrave

"Oh god not you" I said

"Well, this didn't exactly mean you were clear from everything.." Gingerbrave said

"Oh fuck this"

"We're gonna have to talk about what's gonna happen"

"What, am I gonna get executed or something?"



Then Gingerbrave made me follow him outside

'Can't believe I'm listening to a child'

When we left the building, he turned to face me

"There is a spare house, and you can have it. BUT, someone else will have to watch you until we can trust you" He said

I scoffed

"And how long will this cookie be watching me for?" I asked

"A month" Gingerbrave said


"You aren't trusted yet. Nobody knows if you're gonna sabotage the kingdom"

I sighed

"Fine. Whatever. Just show me my damn house already" I said

"Alright" Gingerbrave said

.•*•.•*•. .•*•.•*•.

I sat down on the couch

"My life fucking sucks.." I muttered to myself

I sipped on coffee

Then I heard a knock on the door

'If Pomegranate is behind that fucking door, I'm gonna tackle her and start beating the life out of her'

I got up and opened the door

"Oh.. It's you.." I said

"Huh- wh- Ohh" Madeleine said

"Why the fuck are you here?"


"Don't answer, knight commander"


I shut the door in his face and walked away

"Wait" I heard him say

I grumbled

I opened the door again

"What the fuck could you POSSIBLY want??" I asked

"I'm the one that's gonna be watching you" Madeleine said


483 Words

a/n i'll try making the chapters longer

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