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(In this story, it will mostly be robins POV. Ty for reading!)

Robin's POV.

It has been almost 3 months I haven't seen y/n ever since we broke up, I never even cheated on her and she didn't believe me.

I can't blame her though, their was literal fake proof in my room. I just couldn't explain it to her, cause she would always shut me out.

I came out of my room, walking to the kitchen already seeing my ma sitting at the table with her cup of coffee.

"Oh good morning mijo." She looks over at me.

"Morning ma." I say and sit down next to her.

She sighs

"How are you feeling.." She softly says.

I didn't say anything as I looked down, bouncing my leg.

"Not okay ma. It's just weird without her.. I miss her." I shake my head.

"I know mijo, I'm sorry." She rubs my back.

I sigh getting up to get water, till my door bell rang. I huff and walk over to the door.

I open it seeing Finney and Gwen.

I lean on the door frame and look at them.

"Hey robin, we were wondering if you were still down to come with us to the pier?" Gwen starts.

I bite the inside of my cheek, hesitantly.

"Y/n won't be there." Finn informs me, giving me a small smile.

I don't know how they believed me but y/n didn't.

I slowly nod and close the door to go get ready.


Robin's POV.

Afterwards I went back outside, seeing Finn and Gwen sitting down in the front.

"Ready to go?" Finn asks.

"Yea.." I say as I walked down the lawn.


Robin's POV.

Once we get to the pier I felt like my eyes began to burn, so many memories shot back into my head like a bullet.

"Robin, you okay?" Gwen says, snapping me out of it.

"Huh- yea." I gulp and sat down in the sand.

I sat there as Finney and Gwen were yapping about something.

"Hey guys.." I chirp as their chatter stopped.

"Yea?" Finn says.

"How's Y/n?" I say hesitantly.

They both look at each other as their faces sort of dropped.

"Do you really want me to be honest with you.." Finn says.

"Yes..?" I say, confused.

Oh god, I felt my anxiety kicking in.

"Well.. We don't know." Gwen looks at me.

"What do you mean? Doesn't she live with you." I sit up.

"Not anymore, her parents came down here once finding a job as business owners for companies and she moved out of our house and lives now with her parents." Finn explains.

I look down and didn't say anything.

"Trust me, we did go over to her house." Gwen says.

"And?" I look at her.

"Well she shuts us out now. Never comes out of her room, and never talks to us. The one time she did come out, she looked terrible." Gwen looks down, I could tell she was worried.

"Oh.." I sigh and shake my head.


Robin's POV.

I was at home watching TV, till my house phone rang.

I flinched a little at the sound, I roll my eyes and get up to go answer it.


"Is this Robin."

The voice sounded unfamiliar.

"Yes, who is this.."

"This is Katherine, y/n's older sister."

Y/n had siblings, she never told me.

"Oh umm, what can I help you with..?" I said, unsure.

"I need you to come over.." Her voice began to get shaky.


"Our d-dad died.." She stutters.

I felt my heart drop. I've never met any of y/n's relatives but that hit me in the head like a bat.

Oh my god, how she can be feeling right now..

"So can you come over?" She asks again.

"Uh yeah.. I'll be over there in a bit.." I say.

"Heres the address ******" she says as I wrote it down on my hand.

"See you soon.." Katherine cuts the call.

I slowly move the phone from my ear, still processing on what I heard.

Then remembered Katherine's request. I turned off the TV and grabbed my coat and shoes and ran out the door.

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