Untitled Part 1

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Being back was so good, Shen Yuan had really missed it. Yet, something he hadn't exactly missed was Luo Binghe being suddenly pulled away because of his Demon Lord duties. Well, it was probably not that surprising since he had been gone for so long.

Yet it had been hard to let him go. After all, he was still in his original body, not Shen Qingqiu, he had no meridian that a cultivator could use and therefore couldn't fight like one either. Luo Binghe had been scared that he might lose his soul, not wanting for such a disaster to happen, so he had brought him back in the idea that they would find a way to transfer him back into Shen Qingqiu, so he could take back his function.

This is why he was now stuck inside the Northern Ice Place, freezing his ass off as Shang Qinghua was theoretically the one supposed to guard him inside the icy palace. Really he was pretty sure all the other demon would do a better job than him, no offence taken from the other Peak Lord on this one.

"I don't get how you can live here nearly all year long," he said as they were sitting in a study, waiting for both their husband to be finished. He had changed in some of Shang Qinghua robes, Binghe also leaving him his outer robes and had asked for warmer one to be brought to him, yet his ears and nose were still cold. Maybe if he had Shen Qingqiu long hair it would be less worst. "You get used to it I suppose?".

How was Shen Yuan supposed to "get used to it"?! The cold had always been bad to him, as he was really prompt to getting sick. He decided not to argue, he was pretty sure Mobei-Jun was at least making sure Airplane Bro wasn't freezing his ass off when he was here with him.

"Anyway, I had been curious to know what cucumber Bro looked like in the real world" admitted Shang Qinghua with a smile, "Not exactly what I expected, not really my type either". Shan Yuan rolled his eyes, scoffing slightly, "Everyone here knows what your type is" he pointed out. He couldn't be farther away from it than he was. "Don't take it like that, I didn't say you were ugly either".

"Aside from you basically doxxing yourself to me right now, how is it back there?" he asked instead, not wanting to annoy him more. He seriously had been curious to know who this dedicated critic of his was and wasn't too disappointed. At least it wouldn't be a problem for Shen Yuan, since no one else from him knew. No fervent fan to attack him directly.

"Weeks had passed in the real world" replied Shen Yuan, wrapping himself a little more tightly in all his layers. "I know, I was surprised too, years have already gone by in here after all" he added when he saw the man raise an eyebrow at his reply.

"So I suppose thing hadn't changed much, I didn't really put too much energy on that since I needed to find a new job if I was going to be stuck back there". Shang Qinghua had been a little surprised by the way he was wording it. Stuck back there? He truly had gotten attached to his husband and this world to think like this. Well... he was probably not one to talk, as he too preferred this world in a way, despite having no technology he was missing.

"Did you look back at my novel?" he then asked with a smirk, the flash in his Cucumber Bro telling him he sure did. "As if" he instead replied while looking away. "Don't be like that, I know deep down you love me and my book, you wouldn't have been this dedicated to reading a thousand something chapters of it" he joked.

Shen Yuan couldn't argue against that, he had indeed read everything. Sure, he had probably zoned out in the more smut oriented chapters, but he still had read them none the least. Though all his opinions stood: the novel sucked really hard, with all its plot holes and bad writing. Sure, there were good and nice things he could say, but they were all outweighed by the bad ones.

Then Shang Qinghua look lost in his mind, thinking about something. Shen Yuan didn't interrupt his thought, waiting to see what would be his next dumb question.

Not Going Anywhere [MoShang] SVSSSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora