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Hi! Could you please write a fic where Blackhill's daughter!readers appendix bursts - Anon

Readers Age: 5 Years Old

Warnings: Sickness, Nausea, Mention of Operation, Child Crying

Requests: Open

Mama- Nat                           Mumma- Maria

You weren't the sick type, you had your sick days, but nothing bad, the only time you've ever had to go down to medbay for something serious was when you broke your ankle when you were four thanks to colliding with Kate Barton when you were both collided while riding your scooters.

But this morning was different.

You woke up with a pain in your lower stomach, it wasn't like you were immune to stomach aches, you had your fair share from feeling sick after the rides at Disneyland to eating too much of your Halloween candy in one go. But this time was different, You didn't now how to describe it. But it was bad.

You felt warm, too, and slightly weak.

But the pain in your tummy was the worst part.

You brought your hands down to your bellybutton where the pain seemed the strongest and pushed down slightly, though you immediately regretted it.

You let out a pained gasp and rolled over onto your side, all the while holding your stomach.

It was then the feeling of nausea was beginning to make its way through your body, what the hell was happening? Was it something you ate. You remembered your Mumma telling you that if you didn't chew your food properly it could cause problems with your digestive system. You wondered if you chewed your food or possibly swallowed wrong, you didn't think so.

Both of your moms were away on a mission for two weeks, leaving you in the care of your Aunt Wanda and her husband, Vision, in their home in Westview, New Jersey. You loved Wanda and Vision, they had two twin sons who were both the same age as you, Billy and Tommy. They were two of your friends and you loved playing with them.

Last night was your first night staying with Wanda, your Moms had just dropped you off yesterday. They had both told you not to cause trouble. You never did anyway so you didn't know why they said it.

For that reason you didn't want to tell Wanda about this, it would pass anyway. It wasn't a big deal.

You missed your moms though, they were always there whenever you were sick. They would always cuddle you and give you forehead kisses while you were wrapped up in a snug blanket next to them.

Wanda and Viz had enough to deal with, they had Tommy and Billy, they were both quite the hand full as it was.

You needed to use the bathroom, you could feel bile in your throat, although you knew it wouldn't come out, but you still wouldn't chance ruining your bedsheets that Wanda had cleaned just for you.

The second you tried to hoist yourself off of the bed using your legs the pain doubled, you let out another gasp and laid your head back down on your pillow.

Perhaps you would wait just a bit longer, it would probably get better in the next ten minutes.



You hadn't even realised that you had fallen asleep until you were awoken by a knock at your door.

"Hi." You replied sleepily, and you suppressed a groan when you realised the nausea and pain was still there.

You heard a soft laugh from the other side of the door before it was opened slightly.

Appendicitis - a Blackhill Daughter!Reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now