Stephano's P.O.V

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I could hear Poodie's hurried footsteps behind me as we ran from the horde of monsters together. With him near me, I could barely hear the monsters over my own heartbeat. I suddenly heard Poodie yelling my name, snapping me out of my fantasies.

"Stephano!" Poodie yelled at me.


"I can see the exit, but I don't think I-" He couldn't finish. Right then a monster that had caught up with us grabbed Poodie's ankle and dragged him away.

"NO!" I yelled. Then it was silent. All I could hear was was my heartbeat, all I could feel was my tears, running down my face as if running a marathon. My knees gave away, and next thing I knew, I was on the floor, balling my eyes out. Poodie didn't know it, but he has always been the one who keeped me going. Now he's gone. I didn't know what to do, but after what seemed like an eternity, I finally went after Poodie, like he'd expect me to. And so, my search began.

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