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I just figured out the hard way to never update on your phone i guess bc it fucks everything up i guess so imma have to update at school from now on x but heeey, i missed yaaa fucckkkerss c;


I felt bad yes, for wanting someone so much older then me. Someone who had a wife, someone I knew wouldn't touch me even if he wanted too.

A couple years ago there was a girl named Leah that lived in our town and went to our church, she felt the same way I did about him, one day she stayed after church and never showed up again.

Rumors went by saying she was shunned from the church for having such inappropriate thoughts about a priest. Others say they "made love" but from looking at father styles, I don't think he makes love. I think he fucks, hard.

It's obvious when he looks at you, he always seems to stop talking when to make eye contact with someone. I never understood why, if you're a Priest you'd think you would have to make eye contact with everyone, even if you didn't want too.

I knew he looked at me, guys tell me all the time it's hard not to look at me. My boobs were big I admit that, my butt wasn't big but I still had something there. I knew guys looked at my boobs, even at church I have caught Father Styles looking now and again, that's when it started. The thoughts, the fantasies, the nights of pleasure I caused myself, all because of a man I know i'll never have. He drove me crazy, maybe it was the thought of grown man fucking a young girl senseless is what got me turned on every time I saw him. I started wearing tighter shirts, showing cleavage, hoping he'll get some sort of realization what I want to happen.

I wanted him, that I knew. I wanted to touch his chest, my hands get tangled in his hair, feeling his plump pink lips on mine guiding them on all the right places.

"Rose you haven't done your evening chores! You better have a good excuse dear, i'd hate to ground you because of your childish behaviors"


The bitch, the whore who sleeps around. She thinks I don't know, oh but I do. I know what she does on Friday nights when she claims she goes to book club.

I walked out from my bedroom, looking at it now it looks like a chamber my mother is keeping me in. Still a cute room tho.

"Rose I know you're not much of a proud christian but I think it's a good idea to try attending Sunday School. I feel like that'll help you with your childish behaviors and help you get closer to God" she took a drink of her coffee, "Yes I know you don't want that but please, do it for me, do it for God. Father Styles is the-"

"I'll go" That was enough to get my attention, "I have been wanting to get closer to God anyway" I smirked.


oh hi there love. chapter two shitty af but thats k.

vote and comment pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?!


-sierra xx

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