All Birds Have Wings, They're All Just Different

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"ARE YOU INSANE?" I screeched from below, much to E's annoyance, "I can't save both of you!"

"I can't bear to listen anymore.." He sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll help you fly. But you can't do it here, not without the proper equipment." Two inched closer.

"Jaybirds don't use jets, or airplanes, or any equipment at all." J frowned, "You're just trying to stop me.."

"Nonono! J, I understand you. I really mean it, and I'm not going to put you in a jet! We're going to do it, the way Jaybirds do!"

"You've never seen a Jaybird, there aren't any in Numberland." She mumbled.

"I-I..Just give me a chance! I can show you how! I know how normal birds fly and that shouldn't be too different!"

"You can't fly..not without fire.."

"J.." He said, nervously beckoning her closer.

Once she was, he leaned in and whispered.

"...Yes I can."


"How are you going to fly?" J asked, leaning over his shoulder as Two dug around his closet.

"Well, I might be a bit rusty...but I've got some wings in here somewhere."

"Wings? Numberblocks have wings?" She started hopping around his room and flapping her arms, "Are you birds?"

"No, but I learned from them, they're nice once you get to know them!" As if on cue, the window opened and a bird landed on Two's outstretched arm, nuzzling his face and starting to sing a song, "Oh, hello there! Where are your friends?"

The blue bird cocked it's head in confusion, then let out a series of chirps before at least 40 more came in, landing on whatever part of him they could and circling his head. All of them were singing and tweeting whatever avian orchestra they had acquired in perfect harmony, Two was laughing the whole time as J looked on in astonishment.

"Are...are those birds your friends?" She clasped her hands together in awe.

"Yes!" He giggled, "They follow us, but I go and follow them sometimes. They sing a lot."

"Do you sing with them?"

All the birds stopped and stared at Two, who cowered slightly from the sudden excessive attention.


It pecked him.


It chirped angrily.


A tweet.

"How joyous! I'd never thought you could talk to birds!"

"I talk to you, don't I?"


"If you're a Jaybird, then you're a Jaybird no matter what!"

Two extended a bird-covered arm to her, grinning when more birds gathered around started hopping onto J, "Don't worry, she's a friend. She's a bird, like you!"

The avians seemed puzzled, but they seemed to accept the new bird and all started chirping delightedly and swirling about in the air.

"They like me! They like me! I'm a jumping, jolly, jay!"

"Mhm...AHA! I found it!"

Two had made some changes to his wings before permanently locking it away, they still held their parrot-like vibrancy, but there were different designs and colors contained within as well, looking less simple than what they used to.

He sighed when he wondered why he ever locked the beautiful thing away in the first place.

"C'mon then, J. I need to get your measurements so I can start making them! Pick some colors while I get my supplies."

J diverted her attention away from the birds and sat on the ground, "Which one?"

The bluebirds circled her and chittered amongst themselves, some rushing to where Two was and taking the measuring tools from him, much to his surprise.

"Oh, you want to do it?"

A couple shoved his wings towards him, "You want me to hurry up and put these on, huh?"

They all simultaneously chirped a high note, excitedly fluttering about him, "...You missed me?"

"Don't worry, I'll fly with you, don't rush him!" J laughed, "I'm actually going to fly! I'm a bird! I'll be a real bird!"

Two muttered something about 'feeling like Cinderella with having animals making his stuff' and joined her in admiring the wings being presented to her.

The birds had gathered their feathers together and successfully managed to weave them into a beautiful wing prop, the care and delivery of the contrasting and complimenting colors made them look like almost a crime to put on.

J wasn't even sure she wanted to wear such an elegant object.

"Is this for me?"

They tied the strings around J's arms, doing the same to Two and urging them outside.


"Okay J, here's how to fly!"

"Don't we need a takeoff hill?"

"Not really, birds normally just take off from anywhere they're standing."

" do we do it?"

"Well, how good are you at flapping your arms?"

"Very good! I do it everyday!" J leapt into the air and waved her arms wildly, actually managing to stay in the air for a prolonged period of time.

"Oh, that's magnificent! You have everything you need already, all you need to do is factor in your weight and height, study physics and the wind currents, become aerodynamic, and befriend spirals!"

J blinked, "So..can I fly now?"

Two glanced back and forth between the birds behind him, "Uh...Yeah! You should be fine!"

J jumped for joy and ran in circles excitedly.

"First, you start off with a run," He started, "Once you feel okay, start flapping, once you start to have trouble staying on the ground, jump! That should get you going upwards, until you have to start flapping less to stay high. Leaning forwards usually does the trick."

J nodded, "Can you show me first?"

"Oh, alright then- I guess I could show you how it's done. But I haven't done it in a while, I might mess up."

The orange numberblock suddenly felt like he was free again when he leapt from the ground, he felt his wings pull back into the air and soared above the grass as if he'd never stopped in the first place, everything falling back into place.

He did a few tricks for J and landed, skidding slightly.

She was in awe, mesmerized by the prospect of taking flight all on her own.

And Two felt happy to teach it to her.

Maybe they both needed this..

(Btw, if you guys were wondering, J did manage to figure it out, she's now the #1 flyer in both Alphaland and Numberland.)

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