Chapter 1: Two Lines

Start from the beginning

Baby first. This child didn't ask to be made, Bucky would have to accept that. Even if he couldn't accept that it was his.

"I'm home, hon." His voice was light, content. She hated that she was shattering that for him. "How'd shoe shopping go?"

Wanda swore her heart stopped as she covered her mouth. "Fuck," she gasped into her palm. "Fuck fuck!"

Bucky entered the bedroom, his smile melting as he took in her face. "What?"

"I-I forgot to meet up with Laura," she groaned. "I need to text her." Bucky laughed lightly, and Wanda took in his expression. "But first, we need to talk, Buck," he whispered, watching his smile fade. There was no reason to make the inevitable wait, no reason to hide it.

"What is it?" he asked, looking concerned.

She held her hand out to him, hesitantly lacing their fingers. "I have...a bit of news."


Bucky wished for the millionth time in his life that Steve was there. He would know what to do and would react perfectly.

It had been three days since Wanda told him she was pregnant, three days of sleeping on the Barton's couch while she took the time she said they both needed. He didn't need time. He needed her, he needed to know what the fuck they were going to do.

His gut was twisted with guilt, wondering what she was thinking in that pretty little head of hers. He wanted to panic, demanding that she just talk with him, but fear stopped him.

Maybe she didn't want it.

Maybe she'd break off the engagement, take the baby and run. It was all she's ever wanted, right? Her and Vision and their little world? She couldn't have Vision or babies, but now...

She called him every day he had been gone, and he was grateful for the little comfort of hearing her voice. He had always been clinging, ever since they first kissed, and Wanda always treated it with grace, never minded it, so he never worried. Not until now.

It was nice while it lasted, the time he had been allowed to spend with the love of his life, the very center of his heart. He should've known he wouldn't be able to keep her. When had life ever been that kind? He'd be forever grateful that he had met her in the first place. She'd repaired his mind, moved into his heart, nestled into him. And now he worried she would be removed by something he didn't even know was a threat.

"So you haven't talked about it?" Clint asked, leaning against the counter top. Beside him, Sam mimicked the confused expression, jaw set tightly as he listened.

"She said...she needed space," Bucky replied slowly, hands clenched. "Time to think." His gaze fell down to his keys that sat in a pile on the coffee table. The keyring she'd given him ages ago stares at him, the carved text shining.

Drive safe because someone loves you.

"And I wanted her to be able to have that time," he finished, tearing his eyes away from the keychain and back to his two friends.

Sam nodded slowly. "That doesn't mean she wants to break things off."

Bucky gave him a look. "You had to see her face," he said, jaw tight. "She looked...she looked so scared. And it's my fault."

"Well of course she's scared," Clint chimed in, dropping his arms. "Every girl is scared when they find out they're expecting." He clasped a hand on Bucky's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Last time I checked, it takes two to make a baby."

"Or three if you're adventurous," Sam interjected, wiggling his brows.

Bucky shook his head in exasperation, squeezing his hands tightly. "You didn't see her, I didn't..I didn't know it was possible," Bucky rasped. "I can't have kids. I didn't think she would get pregnant."

I didn't think I would lose her like this.

"Listen, I don't...I know it's unlikely," Sam started, staring at his feet. "But, is there anyway it isn't yours?"

Bucky stood quickly, feeling his blood thrumming in his ears. Clint straightened, holding his hands out between the two of them. "Calm down, Buck."

"Of course I'm sure," Bucky snapped, his heart rattling in his chest, the want to protect blooming. "There's no doubt in my mind, so there shouldn't be any in yours."

Wanda wouldn't do that to him. She was too pure, too good. Wearing her heart on her sleeve is what got her hurt so often, but she never changed, never soured. It was one of the multitude of things he adored about her.

"She wouldn't do that," Bucky stated, making sure his words hit them. "She's always faithful. It's just life fucking with me again. I should've made sure we used condoms."

Clint coughed, glancing over his shoulder to ensure little ears weren't listening.

"Okay, calm down, man," Sam responded, hands raised in ease. "I get it. I've seen the two of you together and I know you're both done for." Clint and Bucky gave him quizzical looks. Sam's eyes grew in disbelief. "You mean to tell me you haven't noticed? The way she looks at you." Sam whistled, shaking his head. "She looks like she's won the competition of a lifetime. And while I myself do not agree at all, anyone with eyes can tell she loves you."

Clint nodded In agreement. "I suppose that's true...she does get this dazed look on her face."

"Exactly," Sam cheered, shrugging. "But you're here moping when you should be with her, encouraging her that you are just in this as much as she is. Maybe she's having the same kind of worries as--"

Bucky was grabbing his keys and flying out the door before Sam finished his sentence.

He raced to his bike, throwing his leg over the side with ease. No matter what, he'd convince her. Convince her that she was loved, that he wasn't going anywhere unless it was with her. That he wanted her baby.

He wanted their baby.

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