Vampire Sabre!

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Sabre's POV

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I felt colder then normal tonight. I knew what that meant. I needed to eat. Times like this is why I'm happy that Orange doesn't spend every night in the rainbow hub.

I curled up, shivering. With the lack of blood in my system, staying warm was difficult. Times like this is when I wished normal food didn't make me terribly sick for days. There wasn't much for me to eat around here. I would go for the pigs, but Orange would probably freak out if he noticed one missing.

I took my blindfold off and sat it on the nightstand. The feeling of having no blood in my body was awful. It hurt to move around, but I needed to get up. The longer it took me to get some blood the the more likely I was just going to lose control.

It took awhile, but I got up out of bed. I slipped on my hoodie for warmth. My mind started to get foggy.

Orange Steve's POV

Sabre told me he always got lonely in the hub at night when I wasn't there. I took that as a sign that I should finish moving in.

"Man it's late," I spoke while looking at the clock that read 1:23 am. I'm gonna have to be quiet so I don't wake Sabre.

Putting my bag on my shoulder, I head outside to the teleporting pad.

Focusing, I quietly teleport to the hub. I walk over to the house, admiring the stars. Silently, I open the door and set my bag down. Sabre's bed is empty and most of the windows are covered, blocking the moonlight.

"What... Sabre?" I glance around the room, but the most of the room was too dark to see anything with the light pouring in from the open door.

Dark crimson red eyes opened in the dark, filled with hunger, filled with pain, full of hopelessness. They looked right back, staring into my soul.

It happened so fast...

In this au vampires filter all the blood though their bodies, they don't make blood them selves like humans or Steve's so they have to get it other ways. The blood they drink goes to their stomach and from there goes through the rest of their body. The blood gets used untill it becomes useless. They tend to lose control, going feral when they run out of blood.

To become a vampire, one must drink blood from a vampire. So being bitten won't make you a vampire.

Vampires are stronger then humans, but still not as strong as Steve's. To kill a vampire you have to decapitate them.

The amount of blood they have can be seen in their eyes, the more blood in their system the brighter the red, being completely out of blood makes them a dark crimson.

Yes they can turn into bats. But only when they have a good amount of blood in their system.

A vampire's venom isn't poisonous, but it does force whoever's system it gets into to relax. The venom comes out at the gum line and drips down the fangs when they bite. The venom is stored under the jawline near the throat. If you press their it is possible to force the venom out.

Feel free to do as you please with this information. Also feel free to ask questions! Bye bye.

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