Chapter 1: - Getting into Uni!!!

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"Are you joking Chay? You seriously don't want to go to university, when we clearly agreed that you, me and Sang would enroll into the same university joining our lonely friend Prim?" Benz, Porschay's best friend said. "You know how hard it is to get into that uni? Its easy for you and Sang, because you are smart and good at music. It also easy for Sang because he skipped years but for me it was hard!!!"

"Sorry, but I don't feel like it" Porschay said sitting at the window of the café looking away from all his friends.

"Bitch, you still haven't told us why?" The not so innocent Sang said, who pretends to be innocent but is actually a rude manipulative boy, who only behaves because of his rich parents. He is the shortest and prettiest one in the group.

"I just don't feel like it anymore, just leave me alone" Porschay said and sighed.

"But Porschay, you really wanted to do this, and we all support you and I really want you guys to join me at university" Prim said with caring eyes holding Porschays shoulders. She is the oldest in the group and is our only girl friend.

"Listen, we know you Porschay more than you know yourself, and we know you really want this. So be selfish for once and freaking enroll before I shove this coffee up your ass" Sang said holding his hot cup of coffee in his hands and glared at Porschay. He finally took his eyes off the window and looked at his friends, and then at the laptop in front of all of them.

"There is still time left, you might still get in, I don't know what the problem is, but whatever or whoever is making you feel like this is really sad, because the Porschay we know would never let bullies get in the way of him. So be selfish and do this, if not for you than for your brother at least" Prim said and Porschay looked at her with teary eyes.

"Fine, but I threw away my papers" Porschay finally agreed and they all nodded in happiness.

"Finally, Chay is back!!!!" Benz said. "Don't worry my man, they now have it online, so you can just fill it in there and send it through email"

They gave Porschay the laptop and he hesitantly looked at the screen and put his hands on the keyboard.

"Does he know how to write?" Sang said. "Bitch give it to me"

Sang took the laptop aggressively from Porschay and began to write his college resume for him in incredible detail like he had done for his friend Bens and when Prim was first enrolling into uni. Prim who was 20 years old was now in her 3rd year and Benz, Porschay who were 18 were starting out in there first year along with 17-year-old Sang who skipped a grade is in first year as well. "I am the youngest out of you guys and have to freaking write for you, are you 6, the fuck!" He said like he was insulted.

Porschay just nodded which sent a frown to all of his friends. "Okay something is defiantly wrong, Chay? Where is your fighting attitude, you used to fight back. Why are you so quiet? Do you actually not want to do it?" Benz asked with genuine concern.

"I do... its just that" Porschay sighed and his friends looked at each other.

"Are you heartbroken?" Prim asked, she knew exactly what it was and the others looked confused.

"Chay, someone broke your heart?" Benz asked, but Porschay didn't answer which meant it was correct so they all gasped.

"Okay, who was the bitch who let you go through your first ever heartbreak, cuz I am telling you I can slap a bitch" Sang aggressively pressed send on the email and slapped the laptop shut.

"We will go to her and well I don't condone violence, but I will back Sang up. I can't have my beautiful hands engage in savagery" Benz said like the narcissist he was.

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