She felt the cloak wrap around her and place her gently on the ground. She looked to the slayed beast before Stephen and Wong stepped forward.

'Who are you?'

'Why were those things after you?' she looked between them, she couldn't be here. She needed to run.

'Lets get her back to the-' Stephen began.

'She ran.' Wong told him pointing at the star jean jacket running away from them.

'She ran.' Stephen agreed. He moved to make a portal but his sling ring was gone.

'She took your sling  ring?' Wong questioned with a laugh.

'She took my sling ring.' Stephen confirmed as Wong made a portal for them. The woman jumped back when they appeared in front of her.

'Come on, im not going to save you just to kill you.' Stephen told her holding out his hand for the sling ring, she begrudgingly gave it back to him.

"I'm sorry Stephen." she whispered.

"You know me?" Stephen questioned. She stared up at him.

"You don't recognize me after all this time?" she countered and Stephen saw it.


"Hello Brother."

"My Donna died... when we were kids." Stephen told her but it was Donna. He couldn't believe he didn't see it before. "I don't understand."

'How much experience do you have with the multiverse?' Donna questioned.

'we dealt with the spidermans.' Stephen told her reaching a hand out she swatted his hand away from her.

'spider man?' Donna questioned.

'yeah, you don't have that?'

'what is it?' Donna countered

'He's a person.' Wong told her

'with spider like qualities.' Stephen added

'does he look like a spider?' Donna questioned "I hate spiders."

"My donna did to." Stephen told her softly.

"We are all... similar. All the yous of the multiverse and..." Donna shrugged. "So spider man?'

'he's a person. A man. He looks like a man.' Stephen assured her but in reality he had never seen spiderman without his mask on, he could be hairy and freaky like a spider.

'but he climbs walls.' Wong added

'shoots webs.' Stephen informed

'from his butt?' Donna asked incredulously.

'no...' Stephen began but then he didn't know his face pinched. 'I hope not. Anyway we know the multiverse.' Stephen couldn't stop staring at her.

"So you are from another universe." Wong offered and Donna nodded.

"How did you get here?" Stephen asked.

"I was trying to help another stephen get the book of Vashanti-"

''The book a vashanti. It's a fairytale does not exist.' Stephen told Donna confidently and Donna scoffed.

'yes it does,' wong confirmed. 'you find out when you become sorcerer supreme' he said smugly.

'You're not sorcerer supreme?' Donna questioned

'no I'm not.' Stephen said still bitter.

'you are in the other universes.' Donna told him.

'Well he only got it on a technicality.' Stephen added, and Wong let out a hot breath.

'Technicality?' Donna questioned.

'I was blipped away for 5 years. Technicality.' Stephen clarified. 'back to this book?' he pushed on.

'Its real and we reached it.' Donna told them 'I thought you would protect me... I am your sister is every universe but this Stephen.... He just..." Donna couldn't say it out loud.

'We?' Stephen questioned.

'We?' Stephen questioned

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Stephen 🥰

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