"Dreykov's dead. It took almost destroying the whole city to get to him."

"If you're so sure then tell me what happened. Tell me exactly."

"We rigged bombs." Natasha stated, "Who's we?"

"Clint Barton. Killing Dreykov was the final step in my deflection to SHIELD."

"Simple as that?" Yelena shrugged, almost bitterly.

"Yeah, sure, 'simple.' That's what I'd call imploding a five story building. And then shooting it out with the Hungarian special forces. It took ten days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest."

Natasha poured herself a shot, downing it, "And you checked the body, confirmed the kill?"

Elena took the bottle from Nat's hands pouring herself a second shot. "There was no body left to check."

"I feel really out of place," Elena murmured, placing the shot glass back on the table.

Hearing something out of place Elena spoke up again, "Guys."

"You're forgetting Dreykov's daughter." Yelena stated, and Natasha froze.

"Guys." Elena repeated as the footsteps overhead grew louder.

And then ceiling was blown out from above them, "Come here," Natasha waved Elena over pulling her out of the way.

"And this is why you should list-" Natasha covered Elena's mouth, shaking her head as if to say 'not the time'

Yelena made a run for it the sound of bullets hitting the walls echoing through Elena's ears.

Natasha grabbed Yelena yanking her towards the two of them, setting up their escape. Yelena and Natasha took on one of the widows and then they all took off.

"We are under literal open fire." Elena whispered. "No shit." Yelena quipped.

"Where are we trying to get?" Natasha shouted as they all ran, "Motorbike East Side of the building."

"Ow, shit. That thing grazed me." Ellie exclaimed picking up her pace.

"Ellie!" Natasha exclaimed, "You gotta keep up, I know can."

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" She ran on to the roof a couple of steps behind her sisters.

They came to the giant pole thing and Elena shook her head, "How am I supposed to-"

"Just grab on! There's no time."

They unlatched the pole pushing off just as the other widow arrived jumping on after them, "I got you!" Natasha exclaimed grabbing the girl's wrist, but with the widow slashing at Natasha's wrist there was nothing for her to do.

"No!" Natasha exclaimed and Elena gasped as the widow fell to most likely her death.

The pole hit the other side with a crash hurtling Yelena and Ellie into the window, and Natasha down the side of building.

"Are you ok?" Yelena asked, "uh, I think so? There's glass everywhere and I think I'm bleeding. But I feel fine...it's probably shock, but we'll go with yes. I am ok."

"Good," Yelena stated helping Ellie up, "I'm glad you're here."

"I think I'm glad I'm here too but then again it could still be shock."

Yelena stared at her and then Ellie let out a laugh, "It was joke. A bad joke maybe, but it was a joke."

"I'm glad to see you Lena,"

Then Ellie's eyes found the window once more, "Yeah we should probably go."

When Ellie and Yelena got down there, the widow was already dead, and Natasha was crouched by her body.

"Do you believe me now?" Yelena asked, and Ellie hesitantly wrapped her arm around her, "How many others?"

"Enough." Yelena shrugged away from Ellie's arm jogging away.

"Come on," Natasha touched Ellie's shoulder causing the brunette to tear her eyes away from the body.

"Ok, yeah."

Dollhouse; black widow¹✓Where stories live. Discover now