Magical Thinking

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The TBHC music video, but you're there too.

The sounds around you were not what they seemed, the cool air on your bare arms not really from the AC above you, the fuzzy lights somewhere far in the distance. In the back of your mind, you knew there was something not quite right...

Your back was pressed up against the glass wall of the elevator, all you could see were the pink neon lights, all you could hear was the machinery working below you, pushing the elevator up to the top. You were by yourself, but there was something, somewhere, someone watching you. For some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to move, but the feeling didn't alarm you. It was intriguing.

The elevator stopped, the doors slowly slid open, an invitation to the floor you had ascended to. It was all silent now, no movement, no sound, only the dimly-lit corridor ahead, spreading out into a darkness concealing the mystery you had yet to discover.

Your breath hitched in your throat when a flicker of lights broke through the darkness but subsided as fast as it had appeared. You smoothed down your dress, it was tight, covered your ass just barely, accentuating your legs with the aid of the high heels you were wearing, the sound of them clicking on the shiny floor. Dim lights lined the walls and you spotted the red flashing of a camera above your head as you walked by. There was definitely someone here with you.

Suddenly, there was a thud, the shut of a door and you spun around, only to see the elevator doors shutting behind you. You turned back, gasping when you stared right back at a face, so close to yours and you took a step back.


You stumbled and found yourself in the elevator again, flying up at high speed.


You moaned, your dress was pushed up to your waist, your lace underwear torn. Your eyes snapped up. You couldn't see his eyes in the darkness, the tinted glasses blocking the view but his face was so close. His hair fell into his face and he groaned as he pushed you back against the glass, one hand on your hip, the other fumbling with his belt.

Grabbing his shoulder, you steadied yourself, gasping when he pulled his cock out and stepped closer to you, his hand pushing your legs apart, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing inside you without a warning.


He reached down to push up your knee and you wrapped your leg around him, and he drove deeper inside you, filling you up. You gripped onto his shoulder, moaning when his head dropped down on your shoulder and he bit down on your neck, groaning, his beard scratching at your skin and you pulled him in closer desperately, trying to buck his hips up into his but you were trapped between his body and the glass wall behind you.

"Gaggin' for it, are yeh, doll?" He growled, his voice so close to your ear sending shivers up your spine and you moaned, feeling yourself gush around him. His voice was deep, dark and laced with lust.

The elevator had slowed but the movement of his hips sped up as he thrust up inside you, his cock reaching deep inside you and your eyes fell shut, the pleasure igniting a fire inside you. Gripping his hair at the back of his neck, you tugged on it, desperate for something to hold on to as he fucked you faster.

"I were watchin' yeh, babeh..." he drawled. "Struttin' round me 'otel in tha' little thing..." His hand ran up your side, grabbing your breast and kneading it through the fabric of your dress, making you buck up into his touch desperately, whimpering when he bit down on your skin again.

"Didn't expect this, did yeh, babeh? Didn't expect meh teh find yeh so quick, mm?" He pulled out of you, making you whimper at the empty feeling his throbbing cock left.

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