Evelyn Rosewood's blonde hair perched upon her bed which was covered in cotton ivy green bedclothes, finished off by a silver bed throw and supported by a large wooden four-poster frame, from which a deep green color of the curtain hung from it. The dorm itself was occupied by its five residents - Evelyn herself, her two other friends Andromeda Black and Lyra Greengrass, and two other girls Grace and Sophia who just so happened to be twins. Although it was situated in the dark, lowly dungeons, the dorm was filled with a nice shamrock tint reflecting through the morning daylight in the green stained-glass windows, illuminating the murky effect of the dark furniture. Occupying the room were the five four-poster beds all adorning the same duvets (though Eva brought her own pillows from home for added comfort) and there was a large shared bookcase in one corner of the room, filled with both study and leisure materials. At the foot of each bed lay the trunks of the girls, most of them ajar from sorting out their belongings for the new school day.

"Hey, Eva can I talk to you for a sec?" Andromeda Black asked the girl that was laid out on the bed.

"Yeah! of course," Eva sat herself up to look at the girl who was in the bed next to her. She smoothed out her hair and sat crisscrossed on her bed.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Narcissa. I knew she was your friend and what she did was horrible!" the black sister shook her head. Eva's heart warmed. Andromeda really looked distraught over what her sister did. Eva wasn't really close to both sisters, of course, they were friends but they weren't close at all. That was just Eva's fault, she had a hard time making friends. Eva's life was boring which made her boring. She understood that and accepted it.

"No no no it's not your fault, you don't have to apologize," The blonde girl smiled at the brunette. "It's all good. Don't worry about it,"

"Great. Uh, that's great!" Andromeda smiled. Eva looked at her, she noticed how her hair fell perfectly despite not having done anything to them, how it was so long that it curled around her waist. She noticed how when things got quiet she got nervous and started playing with the ends of her brown locks, wrapping them around her finger. She noticed how she bit her lip and looked down at her feet.

"I know this is random but I, Lyra, and the twins are going out to the three broomsticks Saturday, do you want to come?" Andromeda looked at Eva with some sort of hope hidden behind her light brown eyes.

Eva looked around the room to see everyone looking at her with smiles. "Uhm I don't know..."

"Come on Eva! Please," Sophia begged with pleading eyes and a pouty mouth.

Eva tried she really did try to say no however no one could look at Sophia's pouty girl face without caving in. So that's what Eva did. She caved in. "Fine! I'll go," she agreed. The room filled with girls exploded into cheering which made the blonde girl smile. Soon it was time for the girls to go to bed and that's exactly what they did.

♡ ♡ ♡

Eva always thought she had insomnia. She was never diagnosed with it but she always had a feeling. She would lay awake at night tossing and turning. Her eyes stayed glued to the ceiling and her brain was not shutting off. It gets exhausting. She watched all of her dorm mates sleep until eventually, she thought it was creepy and decided to go for a walk.

She snuck out of the Slytherin dungeons and wandered through the darkened halls of the castle carefully so she wouldn't get caught. She found herself in front of the steps of the astronomy tower. She walked up to the iron railing leaning over to feel the wind in her face. She closed her eyes for a second before opening them back up. She sat on the floor of the tower hanging her legs over the tower and placing her hands on the railing and leaning her head on her hands.

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