Dancing with the stars

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He unbuttoned slowly as her nipple came into view, he kissed the peak making her curl her toes. He smirked as he took it into his mouth and
Koruna released a gasp, “I love your moans and gasps, when you say my name. It takes divine strength not to push myself into you.” He murmured against her nipple as he sucked harder. Koruna moaned out loud, R’ao buttoned back the shirt slowly until he looked deep into her eyes, “I love that I can make you drop all your defenses when I do this, it’s okay because you have that same effect on me,” he held her hand and made her hold his erection.

“Don’t play games with me and I won’t with you.” He whispered as he kissed Koruna deeply, tasting every part of her mouth, Koruna held his manhood tighter as R’ao groaned into her mouth. “I hate that we are in the hospital and my men are just right outside.”

“Oh, do you not like Voyeurism?” She smirked.

“No, I don’t like to share, not your sounds, moans, grins, if it were up to me, I would like to keep you for myself only.”

“Good. I don’t like to share either.” She kissed him softly, she unzipped his trousers, R’ao held her hand to stop her, she eyed him mischievously and slipped her hand inside his trousers and underwear until she touched his naked hard on, R’ao hissed at the contact. He was careful not to allow his weight fall on her so his hands were on the sides of Koruna’s head.

Koruna stroked him slowly from top to bottom, “Kor…” R’ao warned as she felt butterflies and tingles in her stomach when he called her name. Koruna kissed his neck as she quickened and tightened her strokes, R’ao groaned deeply at the friction. He dragged Koruna by her hair with his right hand and pulled her to him as he kissed her deeply, she quickened her pace and he buried his head on the side of her neck as he took in her scent.

“S..stop Kor.” R’ao hissed in pleasure.

Koruna saw that his hold had weakened and his legs were weaker, she switched positions in a twinkle of an eye before R’ao could protest; Koruna licked the head of his hardness and sucked. R’ao grunted in pleasure, his brain was muddled. He didn’t know what to do with his hands as he was worried for Koruna’s body as much as he did not want to let go. Koruna swallowed his hardness in bits, when she saw how difficult it would be to take in the whole thing, she stroked and sucked at the same time. She increased pressure and tightness until R’ao thought he might go delirious with pleasure. He felt he was about to finish and tried to pull Koruna off him, she entwined their hands instead as she sucked harder until he fell apart. R’ao was fairly certain he saw stars.

Koruna smirked and used her thumb to clean the corner of her lips, she focused her gaze on R’ao and sucked the thumb. R’ao looked at her disbelievingly, she winked and zipped him up, she whispered into his ears, “I am also not as innocent as you believe.”

R’ao frowned at the implication of what she just said but he was still too disoriented to form a word.

Koruna giggled at his reaction.“not what you are thinking, you should know that I grew up in the trenchiest of places, that is where sex workers do their job freely if you know what I mean. There are also books and videos to watch, just because you are aware that I have never had a lover doesn’t mean I am ignorant regarding the baby making process.”

Rao pulled her to his chest and hugged her tight. “Stop talking, don’t ruin this.” He pecked her head. Koruna smiled as she snuggled with him.

Oni was in the Flames and had ran into Flora as she made her rounds. Oni stood apart from everyone else, he came here without orders because he wanted to understand Koruna and he thought he could do that by understanding the Flames but there was nothing to see except for the low infrastructure and vulgar manner in which everyone seemed to speak in. He sat under a streetlight that sparked as people went about their business. Flora was watching him for a while, she could not understand what he was doing there but he seemed lost. Different sex workers had approached him but gave up when he simply ignored them, Flora waved at him.

She sat beside him without asking and grinned, “To what do we owe the surprise? Mr broody and handsome.”

“Just go your way.” He mumbled.

“I don’t want to, so you might as well tell me what you are up to.”


“I want to know, isn’t that enough reason?”

“No, it isn’t.”

“Maybe I could give you the answers you seek.”

Oni looked at her in a different light, he had wanted to know why he was attracted to Koruna, and he theorized that if he could know what it was that made his heartbeat for her, he could get rid of it and he could be back to normal.

“Go ahead, don’t be shy. Tell me, why have you been sitting here looking like a lost child?” Flora smiled at him.

Oni frowned at the smile and wondered if everyone smiled without restraint here. “I am not shy.” He replied.

“Come with me,” Flora dragged him from the street into the blue balls. They sat and she ordered for them.

“I am not sure I want to eat in a place called blue balls.” Oni eyed the counter suspiciously.

“Don’t think about it, it’ll make more sense then.” Flora grinned.

Oni refused to eat the meal when it came, Flora shrugged and moaned with joy when she took a bite of the food, “You should try this.”

“No, thank you.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be a big boy? What do you think will happen to you if you eat this?” She teased.

Oni sighed and took a bite of her food so she would leave him alone, his eyes widened in surprise at the taste.

“You are supposed to just swallow and not chew, also it makes no sense to eat this with a spoon. This is pounded yam and okra soup filled with goodies. Don’t you have this at the other side?”

“We do, it doesn’t look like that.”

“Well, if it isn’t wrapped like this, it is wrapped wrong.” She swallowed a mold of the pounded yam.

Oni drank the water because of how spicy the soup was and shook his head.

“So tell me big boy, why are you here?”

“I don’t know.”

Flora chuckled, “What do you want to know about the Flames? There is more to us than broken street lamps, I should know.”

“How dangerous is it over here?” He asked.

“Hmmmmm, I do not know how to answer that, it is subjective I guess. Its home to me but to people like you, you could say it’s dangerous. Your wallet can get stolen if you are not careful, some women or men might find you too pretty and decide to keep you, and you could be kidnapped. Anything can happen to an outsider on these streets but no one would dare touch an Ark so you are safe.” She answered.

Bernie walked into the restaurant with Lola. “See, I told you she’d be here.” They sat with them.

“It is a surprise to see you here.” Bernie growled at Oni.

“Likewise.” Oni answered indifferently.

“Flo…” Bernie began when there was a long string of gunshot inside the restaurant at random people by masked men. One of the men had their gun pointed at Flora and pressed the trigger.

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