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The Clone Wars Season 6: Episodes 3-7

Before Chapter 1

Tup scandal

ARC-Trooper Fives' inhibitor chip freakout.

Fives' "death"—body mysteriously removed.

Rush Clovis Scandal

Chancellor calls Anakin to his office—reveals himself to be the Sith Lord controlling the Clone Wars and escapes before Anakin can do anything.

Anakin, Shaak Ti, and Master Yoda along with a strike team find Chancellor Palpatine at his hideout, killing the Sith Lord

Bail Organa becomes the Chancellor: Early in his political career, he sets a date for when clones will be sent to Kamino for the mass removal of their inhibitor chips.

-The Clone Wars Season 7-

Episode 1: The Bad Batch: Fearing that the Separatists are using secret data to predict Republic military strategy, Captain Rex works with an experimental clone unit known as the Bad Batch to infiltrate a Separatist stronghold on Anaxes.

Episode 2: A Distant Echo: A mysterious live signal leads Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex and the Bad Batch to a Techno Union facility where they make a shocking discovery; they get more than they bargained for when they find themselves trapped by Wat Tambor and Separatist forces.

Episode 3: On the Wings of Keeradaks: Jedi Anakin Skywalker and the clones escape Wat Tambor's trap and return to a local village to help defend the native people against a droid attack launched by Separatist Admiral Trench.

Episode 4: Unfinished Business: While Jedi Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead an attack against the Separatist forces on Anaxes, the Bad Batch and Anakin Skywalker infiltrate an enemy starship to ensure a Republic victory.

Episode 5: Gone With A Trace: In the Coruscant underworld, Ahsoka Tano befriends a pilot whose sister enlists her to help build droids, but when a unit malfunctions, Ahsoka must stop the dangerous droid without revealing her Jedi past.

Episode 6: Deal or No Deal: While piloting her prized ship on a mysterious job, Trace makes a rash decision that endangers them all after Rafa reveals they are transporting spice for the evil Pyke Syndicate. Archie is captured by two assassins who separate him from Pako.

Chapter 2

Episode 7: Dangerous Debt: After being imprisoned by the Pykes, Ahsoka Tano and the Martez sisters manage a daring escape of their stronghold, fleeing together through the city to their ship, desperate to evade the Pyke forces in pursuit. Archie gets some answers as to why he was kidnapped by two zabraks.

Chapter 1

Episode 8: Together Again: Captured by the Pykes once more, Ahsoka bargains for the sisters' freedom; she makes a startling discovery. Pako saves Archie from going too far down a dark path.

Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5

Episode 9: Old Friends Not Forgotten: Anakin and Obi-Wan are faced with a difficult choice when they must decide whether to help Ahsoka pursue Maul or rescue Palpatine. Clone Force 99 and Yoda land on Kashyyyk and battle the Separatists.

Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9

Episode 10: Phantom Apprentice: Both sides face a challenge when Ahsoka and Archie Ilaiah confront Maul on Mandalore. Maul makes a calculated decision to ensure his survival while Archie senses another surprise. On Coruscant, the fight isn't letting up.

Chapter 10

Episode 11: Shattered: Maul escapes Archie and Ahsoka, and Archie faces his abusers, Razer and Spear, once again before leaving Mandalore.

Chapter 11, Chapter 12

Episode 12: Victory and Death/The Big Clean Up: Ahsoka, Archie and Rex race against time while the clones on Kamino resolve to stand for the Republic to the end. The three rally the clones together while plotting to take out Spear and Razor.

Chapter 13

Episode 13: Finale: After Mace Windu's unexpected and untimely death, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Archie, and Ahsoka devise a plan with Echo and Fives to bring down an enemy within.

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