

The other graduates listened over the radio from the building.

"I'm a bandit on course to intercept. Blue team, you've been spotted. What are you gonna do?" Maverick asked.

"He's 20 miles left, ten o'clock. 700 knots closure," Bob said.

"Your call. What do you wanna do?" Coyote asked Phoenix.

"Continue. We're close. Stay on target," Phoenix replied.

"Atta girl," Bolt whispered.

"He's swinging around to the north!" Bob announced.

"Stand by for pop up!" Coyote replied. "Be ready on that laser, Bob!"

"Copy. I'm on it," Bob said.

"Blue team, bandit is still closing," Maverick informed.

"Popping now!" Coyote yelled.

Joker turned his attention to the simulation that was showing in real-time what was going on in the field. Phoenix and Coyote were flying into the valley.

"Talk to me, Bob! Where's Maverick?" Coyote asked.

"He's five miles out! He's coming fast!" Bob replied.

"Target's in sight," Phoenix said.

"Where's my laser, Bob?" Coyote called.

"Deadeye, deadeye! Sorry, it's no good! I can't get a lock," Bob replied.

"Damn," Payback swore quietly.

"We're out of time, I'm dropping blind," Coyote said. "Damn it, missed!"

The graduates groaned, slouching in their chairs or throwing their hands up in disappointment.

Phoenix and Coyote were making the steep climb out of the valley, everyone watching the simulation play out.

"That's tone." Maverick said.

"Maverick's got a missile on us," Bob informed.

"Shit," Phoenix swore. "We're dead."

"Blue team, that's a fail. Level out, Coyote," Maverick said.

"Shit," Joker muttered, sitting back in his seat.

"Coyote, do you copy?" Maverick asked.

Joker frowned a bit and looked up. The other graduates had looks of confusion on their faces, listening to the radio.

"Coyote, come in!" Maverick said. "Coyote, level wings!"

Joker's heart dropped.

"Oh, God. He's in G-LOC," Maverick muttered.

Joker felt his breath get caught in his throat. Coyote was free falling from hundreds of feet in the air. He was unconscious in an aircraft mid-flight.

"Come on, Coyote," Hangman muttered.

"Coyote! Coyote!" Maverick called.

"He's gonna burn in!" Phoenix said.

"I'm going after him," Maverick informed.

Joker was squeezing the handle of his chair, his knuckles turning white from the strength of his grip. His vision was blurring, probably from tears. This felt unreal.

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