🌙Chapter 1🌙

Beginne am Anfang

Naib snickers as he watch the lazy Norton being drunk as hell as he slurring some random words. This make Aesop to notice Naib as he look at the Boy who just got finished from smoking. "Naiiiibbb help me here" He whine and reach out for Naib. "Naaaiib mah man ! What cha doing here?" Norton spoke , asking Naib like he didn't saw him with them earlier. Naib chuckles , he look at the tree and the owl isn't there anymore. 'Dang, I didn't realize it's gone' he thought.

He put down the cigarette and stepped on it before approaching Aesop and Norton. "How many did he drink?" Naib asked Aesop before helping him to Hold Norton who will fall asleep soon. "He almost drink the whole Set of beer" Aesop answers, a look of disappointed at his face. Naib chuckles, "who else are drunk?" He asked again looking at the glass door of the restaurant as he can see the others through the window.

"William" Aesop sigh . "Nort and Him decided to do some kind of stupid challenge like who will finish alot of drinks first" Naib hums and watch as the other group finally walk out from the restaurant. Ganji a baseball player was helping William to walk. "Damn this built man" Ganji mumbles in frustration. His a sober anyways so he have no problem about drinking. But this two , they are the opposite.

Martha walk out last from restaurant, She was holding her phone , Probably calling a Cab for Norton and Aesop. "Remind me to not let this two drink alot. They are surely annoying and being cry babies " She chuckle and look at the others.

A few minutes later , A cab finally came. Naib helped Aesop to put Norton in there before Aesop hopped in. "Thanks for helping Naib and for the Cab Martha" Aesop waves at them goodbye before the Cab finally move.
In the other hand , Ganji have his own Car , He took William inside and then let the other ladies to hop in the car. "Are you sure you don't want a ride home Naib?" Ganji asked , waiting for the boy's response. "Yeah I'm fine, My house is nearby so I can just take a walk. Besides, William needs ride home more than i do" He pointed at the sleepy Drunk man who is leaning at the backseat and look really knock out. "If you say so , See yah Naib" Ganji waves before closing the car window. Naib smiles a little before waving goodbye to them. The car finally moves and It's only Naib left.

He sigh and start to walk home himself. The night surely cold and silent. The mood of the surrounding is what the boy likes. He hide his hands in his pocket while walking. He may still can't get over with the beautiful Owl he saw. Hoping he could see it again around.

He pulled out his phone , checking some messages. Nothing's really new, just some group chats that he really not looking that much.

A few minutes later , he can see his own house , Just a few steps more before he county reach the front of it.



Naib got startled from the sound of a 'gun shot'? He look around and wonder where it came from. He felt he going to have a heart attack. Naib decided to check where it is and saw some person with a gun on it's hand. "Ah damn , where did it go? I'm pretty sure i got it's wing" The mysterious guy sigh and scratch his head. "Fuck, I lost the owl. It will die anyways" He reloads his gun and hoped in the motorbike before leaving the area. Naib was confused but worried about the creature he shot.

Naib started to look around the area , Probably the creature is still around. But sadly he couldn't find it . He sigh and decided to just walk back home. "Whatever that is , Forget it and pretend nothing happened..." He sigh.

He finally reached his front door and pulled out his house key . He was about to unlock the door when suddenly he heard a weak hoot of an owl. He got startled there for a bit but looking around his surroundings after. The weak hoot is nearby. He decided to search around and found something moving at his bush. He slowly approach the bush and opens it.

In his surprise, it's the white owl he saw last time. But somethings not right. He observe the owl more and saw a Red stain on it's snow feathers. He gasp as he realized that the owl is injured. "Shit..." he curses to himself. He look around to his surroundings before looking back to the injured owl.

He slowly leaning down to pick up the poor thing. The owl kinda noticed the motion of the man before moving away from Naib's Hand. Naib froze but slowly approaching the owl once again. "Hey Hey, It's okay. I'm no harm . I'm here to help you" He worriedly looking at the owl. The owl seems understood what the boy gonna do as it didn't move further away from his hand. From Naib's Reach he gently scoop the owl from his hand before bringing it to his warm arms.

"Poor little owl... How could someone shot a defenceless bird" he click his tongue and start to walk back to the front door. "I can't just leave you like this , I'll take you home" he said before finally unlocking the door and went inside.

Sorry for the bad grammars.
I barely type any stories anymore
And I'm just trying to recover it.
Also struggling to think some good words so head up.

Lunar Owl🌙Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt