No, that was randy foolishness. But it was difficult to resist when he was newly married, unchaperoned, wearing a revealingly wet shirt, and had just untucked his hand from the bend of unthinkably soft skin at the back of his bride's knee. He was trying to remember how important it had been to him that they leave this marriage unconsummated for a while – a little while, maybe a very very little while.

He gave his head a hard shake and set about lighting a single flame in a sconce on the wall.

"Here we are," Hermione said, crouching to get a closer look at the section of the tapestry with the faces of people she knew. "Oh look, it's baby Teddy. There's even a bluish tint to his hair. And that's Ted Tonks. I saw him once but we didn't exactly meet. Poor Andromeda. I've only had a husband for three quarters of an hour, and I can't imagine how gutted..."

She trailed off as Draco crouched beside her, taking his jacket from her shoulders and replacing it with his hand, hot and open on her side. She had come here intent on seducing him, ending this ridiculous notion of half-marriage, but every time she moved toward him, he was already there. Maybe, she wondered, she had been the one being seduced all along...

She cleared her throat, refocusing on the tapestry. "Oh, and here we have Bellatrix. And that's her husband?"

Draco grumbled. "Husband in name, yes. Dear Uncle Rodolphus. Two years of living in the same house and I've hardly heard him speak a word."

Hermione extended a finger to track lower, toward the family of the youngest of the Black Sororal Triad, Narcissa Black Malfoy's family – now her family. "Here we are," Hermione sang, scratching at a blank spot below Lucius and Narcissa's images. "No trace of my face yet. But – oh, that's a rather strange likeness of you, isn't it? Something about the cheeks and eyebrows is rather..."

"Medieval," he finished, standing up. "I look like I'm sick almost to death – or terribly annoyed."

She snorted a laugh. "It must be based on your looks during sixth year. You were still a beauty, but not altogether..." She stood tall, laid her hands on either side of his face, and squashed his cheeks, trying to get him to look like the tapestry.

Above his contorted cheeks, Draco raised one eyebrow. "Can't wait to see how the tapestry makes you look."

"If it ever shows my face at all," she said, looking hopefully at the empty space in the Malfoy zone.

He held her chin, turning her eyes to his. "It will. Just you wait, Granger."

Her hands drifted away from his face, running over the lines of his neck and shoulders, tracing his chest from below the swell of his pectorals to his shoulders and down again. He inhaled deeply, his ribs expanding beneath her hands. She'd touched these parts of him before but never like this. Her hands were open, possessive, something demanding in their pressure raising heat between them.

"Granger?" she said, her slow, purring tone matching her touch. "That's not my name anymore."

Draco cleared the fog in his head with a click of his tongue. "Now, we talked about this," he said, trying to be stern with his voice while his body leaned into her. "Half-married. No shared names. Not yet."

"Not yet," she echoed as if she could hardly stand the words. She was standing so close her feet were between his, her hip pressing against his on one side. "There's no reason why, at least when we're alone, you can't call me by something a bit more intimate than my father's name."

He hummed, clasping his hands in the small of her back. "Hermione then?"

She shook her head. "No, it's not intimate when just about everyone calls me that."

Call Me Psyche - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now