Chap 1

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Maddie was ill, and Joey wanted to do something nice for her.

'Making soup?' Parker asked.

'Yeah. Nice brotherly thing to do.' Joey replied.

'You know, if you really wanted to make that soup stand out, you'd add some spice to it! Like some fruit.' Then parker tossed some chopped fruit into the pot.

'Okay, then how about a little bit of spice to really get it going!' Then Joey added some paprika.

They kept on adding things until it was ready.

'Um, what is this?' Maddie asked when she saw the odd looking soup.

'A chicken/ fruit/ vegetable/ spice soup!' Joey replied, eagerly.

Maddie looked at him weird, then tasted the soup.

'Oh! Oh wow, this is really something!' She exclaimed.

'You love it?!'

'Yeah! Yeah I really do! You're a natural!'

Joey left feeling very proud of himself.

'Whoever told him he could cook was definitely mistaken!' Maddie thought as she spit out the food she didn't swallow.

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