Love Heals Wounds

Start from the beginning

I snapped out of the day dream and realized the only true way me and the Doctor would get the life we'd want. "Doctor, can I show you something?" I held my hands out to him.

"Of course." I remembered how the master showed me the images in his mind. The way two time lords communicated. I placed my fingertips on the doctors temples and thought of the beginning of us, that big white lab on fire, him holding me, and the image of his eyes that has always burned in me. Bumping into one another at torchwood. Next the planets and people we met along the way, each laugh and cry we shared, then to New York the fantasy we lived but the true feelings we discovered, our wedding, my lives, regenerations centuries and centuries before I met the Doctor, a whole me I didn't even know. Seeing him after being imprisoned. I let go, us both exhaling deeply.

When I looked up I witnessed a new picture, a tear falling down the doctors cheek.

"Your...your 500 years old? Only 300 years younger than me? You remembered!" He wrapped me in an embrace. He reached in his pocket to grab his glasses. Walking around me and examining me, "I wonder if you have two hearts? Or how many regenerations you have? Oh! What knowledge do you remember of the time war? The cyber wars oh what about Skaro?" I grabbed his wrists holding him still.

"Yes I do." I laughed but he quickly realized something had shifted. "Doctor, I, I have this whole life and part of me I don't know. Before the lab before everything. 500 and some years and I don't even know who or what I am." We both glanced at one another. "But Doctor I think we both know that Tardis won't be big enough for both of us."

Moments passed and he was silent. He stood up, brushing off his pants.

"Hologram off!" He stated. The room shut off and went white. The Gallifrey vision disappeared into a blank room. The Doctor started pacing to the Tardis, opening both of the doors with a snap.

"Wait Doctor?! Since when could you?!" I ran inside. He started pulling leavers and switches just like that night we first flew in the Tardis, with haste. "Doctor?! Where are we going?"

He didn't answer but within minutes we landed, the tardis wheezing stopping. "Here." was all he said. Leaning against the open tardis doors.

I walked out onto the familiar ground, the gravel of the roof top of my London apartment building. "You... You brought me home, why?"

"You said you wanted to leave?" he raised his eyebrows in confusion. I shot him a blank stare, how could a time lord be so smart and so stupid at the same time? "You said, there's not enough room in the tardis for both of us, so I assumed you wanted to go home. And after... Seeing what the master and other time lords were like I thought, well I thought you were scared: of me." he ran his fingers through his hair, making it stick up like he had been shocked with electricity.

I bent down in anger and groaned. "How can a brilliant, talented, gorgeous, time lord be so extremely stupid." he paused, his eyes going wide.

"You... You think I'm gorgeous?" he grinned.

"Doctor! Of course I do, all this time don't you see!" a blank stare. It was so obvious! "I love you, you.. You.. bloody idiot!" I shouted.

He looked across the roof at me, standing at least six feet away, slowly he walked over. My heart was pounding, he just stood there right in front of me. He embraced my shoulders with his hands, "y/n l/n don't you know.."

"NO! No I don't know doctor! It's been years and years of not knowing! And now this," I held up the gold band on my left hand. "Were married and said vows! Not that it matters! Now that my memories are back we've both been married more than handful of times haven't we!"

Side thought, The doctor's hair always represented his mood. If it was slicked back laying against his neck, he was laid back. Whenever he got excited it would stick up on end like electricity, but when he was furious or passionate the hair had its own fire to it, its own attitude.

Right now his hair was all over the place, disarryed everywhere. "Me! Your one to talk! I did a basic search through your regenerations! Frank Sinatra! Shakespeare! James dean! Emily Dickinson, which may I say is new! And Joan of Arc! Caesar! May I continue?"

"Oh oh! You married Cleopatra! And possibly Marylin! Queen Lizzy! And who knows who else!" The shouting lead to silence which lead to laughter. Minutes passed and we sat on that same ledge we did so long ago. "This is so stupid."

"Whot?" the doctor said, tracing the stripes on his pants with his fingers.

"Us, fighting about who has been with who. Like some two...."

"Mortals?" he laughed. But I didn't, I just studied his profile as he looked out at the city. I forgot how much I missed his small freckles, the way his nose curves just slightly to the left and how his jaw sticks out when he is upset. He locked eyes with me.

"It's just us doctor..." I touched his cheek. "I love you, but sometimes it's insufferable. But I do, I love you." He stood up and snapped the Tardis doors open.  I knew he couldn't say it, I knew that the only way he could keep going was to leave, because now it was spoken truth, it was real. He walked away towards the Tardis, I stood a statue.

He got feet away and stopped. His hand forming a fist, "No more!" his heals turned as he sprinted my way.

When he reached me it was a blur. My face was in his hands and my neck braced with his fingers. He kissed me unlike any kiss we had shared, with passion and awareness. We closed the space between our chests and wrapped our arms around each other, not letting any air between us.

When we stopped, words fell out of his mouth without hesitation. "I love you," he breathed. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. He's brushed them away. "That day in that lab it all fell together. Y/n you are the most indefinite thing in my life, and that will never go away."

"How did I know you'd say it better than me," We laughed as I placed my forehead against his. Even if he just said it once, I'd always have it.

"I've never had someone I could spend the rest of my lives with. But now I think I may have hope for the first time in a long time." Moments passed as we held one another and kissed each other. My hands rubbed the back of his suit jacket. "Although with us it will never be normal." I slapped his shoulder and laughed.

"Stay? For a cup of tea at least." He grinned down at me.

"Allonsy love." He winked with glimmer in his eyes and came downstairs.

-Doctor POV-

The change was borderline nonexistent to me and y/n. For the last year's we had almost spent every day with one another. The real adjustment was staying in one place. Y/n and I had come to a agreement, whenever I was ready I would continue in the Tardis and she would stay in London. But I snuck her a vortex manipulator and Tardis key for some secret trips. Or if I ever needed her.

It was a crazy new feeling, At night I would roll over and look at y/n and just wrestle with the now exposed emotions and affection we shared for one another. One's my brain had never felt before.

One day we travelled to the moon of brakion. We had always talked about going to the "oasis planet" which is what Brakion meant in the native language. The large ocean made of sugar water stretched across half the planet, and with two suns cresting in the pink and purple sky. Truly it was the oasis we had heard of.
We sat on the cliff over looking the double sunset, Y/n curled up in my lap barely awake. For hours we talked about our new plans, our schedule, and future adventures in the Tardis. I read from a book she had picked out from the Tardis library. One quote stuck with me through the day,

"If I had but one hour of love, if that is given me, an hour of love upon this earth, I would give my love to thee." - Alice Sebold

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