Chapter Thirteen

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Danny looks between Lila, Toast and the computer "All with this computer Roland did that?"

Lila shakes her head at her brother "No."

Toast looks at him "This is all just archives-- logs of what he did."

Lila nods at Toast "He's right the skeleton key isn't on these drives"

Toast walks over to one of the machines "my guess is it was right in there" Lila stands up from her chair as Steve looks at the place Toast is pointing "Okay. at least we know what he wanted to show General Nathanson, the skeleton key and what it could do"

Lila nods at her boyfriend "and it looks like whoever kidnapped him knew about the key as well."

Danny looks at them "Wait, hold on if Roland can hack into the island infrastructure, any government network computer."

Steve and Lila share a look "Then whoever has him can do the same" Once they get back to the office.

Chin gives them what he found out about Sergei their Serbian mobster "Sergei flew in from Serbia two months ago"

Steve looks at the screen then at Chin "Alone?"

"No." Chim presses a button on the computer table and the picture of another man comes up "He came in with a Drago Zankovic. He's the boss as far as I can tell. He uh, paid for the tickets. They both traveled on doctored passports."

Danny looks at Chin "There were three guys on the traffic cam."

Steve looks over at Chin "let's go a little further back. Show me all Serbian passports in Hawaii in the last six months."

Chin nods "yeah one sec"

Lila looks at the three of them "I still think the girlfriend is involved in some way"

Danny gives her a look "why?"

Lila looks at him "her behavior when she was told what happened to Roland, her reaction wasn't genuine she wasn't surprised to hear it, the only way that makes sense is if she's involved"

Chin pulls the information Steve wanted up. There are about a dozen hits that come up and Danno points to a blonde female "blow that one up"

Lila smirks as Chin blows it up "Nadia Lukovic"

"Aka Natalie" Lila looks at the boys "told you she was involved"

They are one their way to Natalie's house and Danny looks back at his sister "how did you know to pay attention to her behavior?"

Lila smirks "I took some profiling courses, they teach you to pay attention to the behavior of the people around you... I figured they would be useful at some point and I was right"

Steve dials Kono's number and it rings a few times before she answers "Steve"

"Kono, am I on speaker?"


"Natalie's working with the Serbs. We're on the way to her house where are you?"

"Yeah everything's great"

Chin, Danny and Lila share a look, knowing that meant she was with them right now. "Copy that. Just stay on the line as long as you can we're running a trace"

Chin makes the call "this is Chin Ho Kelly. I need a priority trace."

"Kono, can you tell us where you are?"

"Yeah, I may even take Evan out to Mokuleia Beach for a swim," Lila smirks 'clever girl tell us where to go without alerting them she's telling us.'

"And you're headed north."


Then the line goes dead. Meaning that they dumped her phone. Danny's phone rings he answers putting it on speaker "yeah Toast what's up?"

His voice is a little muffled "Jersey look, I don't want to freak you out but,"

Danny cuts him off "Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Take the lollipop out of your mouth. I can't understand a word"

"Look I don't want to freak you out but it looks like the skeleton key just went live."

Lila looks at the boys "Well that isn't good"

"Well, what does that mean?"

Lila smacks the back of his head lightly as Toast answers him "someone's using it dude..... no, no, no. that's problematic"

"What is problematic?" Danny questions slightly raising his voice.

"The radar just went down."

"Can we trace the hack?"

"No, I can't pinpoint the origin. Whatever it is just took down the Honolulu approach radar"

"why do that?"

Lila looks at the three of them "Unless something is coming in that they want off the radar."

Steve glances at them "Like Lila said so someone can fly in or out undetected." A jet flies overhead pretty close to the ground Lila looks at them "did you catch that boy's?"

Danny nods "no markings, no tail number"

Chin looks at Lila and at then Steve "you guys were right"

Steve looks in the direction it went "it's not one of ours"

"Then where the hell did it come from?"

Chin looks at him "I don't know but I think I know where it's going, there's a skydiving school around here."

Danny looks at him "Skydiving?"

Steve looks at Chin and Danny "that's right there is. It's gotta land somewhere right?"

"Dillingham Airfield."

Lila smirks as Steve and her talk at the same time "That's where they are."

They pull up outside the airfield and get geared up looking for a way into the hanger. Steve in the front then Danny, Lila is behind Danny and Chin is pulling up the back with his shotgun.

"How are we taking the building?"

Steve looks back at Danny "What do you think?"

"Oh I think if we can get our eyes on our people, we go in hot" Lila smirks at her brother "is that what you would do?"

Steve nods "yes that is what I would do, see this is partnership."

Lila smirks coming in just because she has to put her input in. "It's what I would do as well just so you know."

"It's l

ike pulling teeth, you know that?" Steve nods motioning for them to move "come on" and they make their way to the building. Danny and Lila are on one side of the door and Steve and Chin are on the other, Steve signals to Kono who is inside.

Steve and Lila go in from the top while Danny and Chin are by the front door. They get in and Steve signals Kono on what to do. Natalie goes to shoot Kono and Steve throws the guy on top over the railing and that is when the shooting starts.

Out of nowhere, Lila feels this white-hot pain rip through her leg and she hit the ground all she could hear around her was muffled gunfire and then it all stopped and she could lightly hear Steve in the comms "Is everybody good? Danny?"



"Good boss."



"Lila?" But she couldn't speak and she didn't know why but she couldn't make a sound and Steve repeats again "Lila are you good?" then everything went black for Lila.


Kinda had to doctor the end of this episode a bit just so it would go the way I have planned for the next chapter. Also for that purpose, the hanger didn't explode like it did in the actual episode. 

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