They walk back down to the car and once we get in with of course Steve driving they are headed to Roland's house to check things out.

Now, Danny, Steve, and Lila are headed to Roland's house. There is a rather tense silence in the car and Lila knows it has to do with what Steve did on the roof and she rolls her eyes 'it's not that big of a deal but Danny is taking it as one.'

Steve glances over at Danny then back at the road. Danny looks at him for a second and neither of them says a word until Steve looks at Danny again "Let it go. Just let it go."

Danny let's out a breath not even looking at Steve "Please do not speak to me right now"

Lila rolls her eyes once again at her brother as Steve talks to him "Okay, so we're gonna do that whole thing again? Why do we have to go--"

Danny cuts him off "Zip it for a second? I'm gonna speak now" Lila just sits back and lets them have their moment there.

"It is my turn." Steve nods letting Danny speak "Sergei Ivanovich he is a suspect. That means we treat him as a source of information"

Lila rolled her eyes once again'and here we go, Danny is going to go off on a rant about this honestly I'm surprised he hasn't done it yet.'

"And then we book him, okay? Torturing and killing is not part of the job description"

Lila rolls her eys sticking her head in between the seats looking at her brother "he didn't kill the guy "

Steve glances over at Danny "I wasn't going to kill him"

Danny looks at Steve "Why are you talking?" Steve looks back at him for a second "I'm just trying to explain...."

Danny raises his voice "why are you're lips moving?" Steve holds a hand up in surrender "Go ahead" as Lila sits back once again. 'Oh, the partnership with these two is gonna be fun.'

"I know the governor gave you a free pass, okay? But immunity and means does not entitle you to hang a guy off a roof, all right, I was gonna break Ivanovich. I just needed a little time to get into his head. That is how police work is done. Is that too theoretical for you, huh?"

Lila comes back into the conversation "Danno I have no doubt that you would have broken him but Steve's way just got the information quicker we really don't have the time to waste."

Danny looks back at his sister "thank you, Lila, but you're not helping the situation here"

She shrugs "had to put my input in"

Steve looks at Danny "Can I speak?"


"Okay. That guy was only going to talk out of fear of death."

Danny looks at him "Fear of death?"

"Fear of death" Steve repeats and Danny gets a look on his face "What does that even mean, fear of death? People will tell you anything under fear of death. That doesn't necessarily make it true."

Lila leans up between the seats again "He's right Danno, that guy wasn't gonna talk unless coerced."

Steve gives her a nod as a thanks for backing me up and Lila just smiles at him "Did you see the tattoo on his hand?"

Danny looks at him "What?"

"The blue star. Did you see the blue star tattoo he had on his hand?" Steve looks at his girlfriend "Wanna tell him what that tattoo means Lila?"

Lila smirks at her brother "Well Danno that blue star tattoo is a New Belgrade Serbian mafia tattoo."

Steve nods "Right and these guys are not the smash and grab types. They kill kids. They slaughter families. That boys gonna lose his father."

Danny turns in his seat looking at Steve "is everything going to become a personal mission for you? You hang a guy off a roof because you lost your father?"

Lila pinches the bridge of her nose 'that was not the right move there Danno, bringing up his father like that.'

Steve looks at him "Danny you know what---"

Danny cuts him off "No, no, no, no, no. I swear to God, I just want to know. I want to know because if everything is to become a personal mission to you-- okay I count my odds at job security not to mention survival, pretty slim. Okay, the three of us, we are partners. So if you are going to be the shoot first and ask questions later kind of guy, I would at least like to be consulted so I know when to duck."

Lila smirks her brother "well that is something you learn very early on here... know when to duck."

I have part one of Danny finding out about Steve and Lila prewrote as well as what leads up to it XD I am so excited for you guys to read those parts. The reveal will be separated into two parts.

First is the aftermath of what leads up to him finding out and oooh you guys are not going to expect the little twist I'm throwing in there XD and then part 2 is Danny finding out.

I hope you guys enjoy.

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