Chapter Eleven

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Steve nudges the guy to where he backs into the ledge as Danny looks at him "what are you doing?" then Steve grabs the guys and holds him over the edge of the building.

Lila smirks 'well I half expected Steve to do that, I mean that's what I would do and Steve and I think on the same wavelength most of the time honestly it's why we work so well.'

Danny is yelling at him "Are you out of your mind?"

Steve is holding the guy by his legs "You wanna play huh?"

Danny doesn't really approve of this method you can tell by his protesting and the look on his face. "This is not Guantanamo you can't hang a guy off the roof"

Lila shrugs looking at her little brother "I think he can do this, however, will get us the information we need and this seems like a viable option"

Her brother gives her a look "you are not helping Lila"

She shrugs again "what can I say it's what I would do in the situation as well"

Danny rolls his eyes "Lila... Still not helping" she just gives him a smile.

Steve starts talking to the guy whose name they still don't know "all I have to say is that you came at me with a gun, we struggled and you fell. What do you think of that? Huh?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Danny yells at Steve "listen to me, listen to me if a suspect dies, he no longer has the ability to speak."

Steve looks over at Danny who is very close to ranting at this point "Ergo, he's useless to us"

Lila decided to stay out of it for the time being let the boys have their moment.

Steve looks back at the suspect "You think anybody's gonna care? You just killed two people, buddy. I'd be doing the world a favor"

Danny comes back in "That's enough!"

Lila smirks seeing Chin walk up to them "Ladies.... you can stop now, I got a fingerprint match off an Interpol database"

Lila looks at Chin as Steve and Danny are still talking "So who is our almost dead guy?"

Lila lets out a snort hearing Danny "You and I are going to have a long talk later, you understand? Get him up!"

Steve and Danny get the guy back onto the roof.

Chin nods at Lila "to answer your question Lila the guy's name is Sergei Ivanovich, Serbian national with a rap sheet a mile long. He's part of a gang, who pulled mostly bank jobs, jewelry heists, and Smash and grab type stuff"

"Thieves. Thieves take things, not humans"

Lila looks between the boys "Danny has a point..."

"Maybe they graduated to kidnapping"

Lila comes in right before Steve does "Maybe they knew what Roland wanted to show the general"

Steve gives her a look and continues "and they want to get their hands on it. Either way, take this guy to the office throw him in a hole. Then I want you to run a deep background. Find out when Sergei got to the island, where he's been, all known associates, the whole shot"

Chin nods "Got it."

Steve and Lila start walking away and Danny calls out after them "Where are you going?"

Steve turns back "We are going to Roland's house, okay? These guys are thieves and we" he motions from Lila to himself "wanna know what they were after"

"That way, you're going?" and of course they weren't going the right way they turn going the right direction now.

Lila walks past her brother "not a word, Daniel, not one word"

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