Steve looks at them "That's why he was kidnapped" After they left the Air Force Base, Steve got a call from Chin and one of the gunmen survived and they are going to find him.

"Hotel security cameras show he went up the elevator on the right." Chin tells them as they make their way into the hotel "He was shot. Knew he couldn't go to the hospital."

Lila comes into the conversation "he's looking for a place to hide and heal."

"I got blood," Steve tells them. "He went up."

The Elevator opens and there is a family inside "Hey" who quickly try and make their way out of the elevator as they walk in but the door closes before they make it out "He's on 36" Steve presses the button with his gun.

Steve cocks his gun and the kid looks scared and curious, Danny clears his throat getting Steve's attention. As Lila bites back a laugh thinking 'oh my god our kid would definitely not be afraid of guns... I mean this is me and Steve so that's saying something....... why am I even thinking about this? It's not like it's gonna be anytime soon.'

Steve looks at the kid "uh, we're cops. Don't worry."

Lila is still biting back her laughter at her boyfriend then Danny smiles talking to the kid "you like hippos?"

The kid nods "I like hippos too, I got a daughter she loves hippos. Everybody likes hippos." The kid smiles and Danny looks at his parents "He'll be okay"

The door opens and the family hurries off the elevator and Steve presses the 36 button with his gun again and the door closes again and Lila laughs "you know we could have let them out before we went up saved that kid a little trauma"

Steve shrugs as Danny looks at him "you have an amazing way with children."

Oh poor Steve looks confused "What?"

The elevator dings and they get out of the elevator taking their positions trying to find the runner Danny and Lila are one side and Steve and Chin on the other Lila sees blood "Here, we got more blood" the four of them run off in the direction following the blood trail.

They bust into the stairwell and there is blood on the rail leading upstairs "He's on the roof."

They split up to search the roof and Steve calls out "found him."

They all run over with their guns pointed at the guy "is he dead?"

Steve shakes his head "not yet" Steve and Lila get the guy sitting up against one of the walls.

Danny has a water hose and he sprays the guy with it to wake him up "Hey" the guy groans holding his hands up to block the water. "Have a nice nap, Princess?" the guy looks up at them "who are you?" the guy just groans "huh?"

Chin comes up on the other side of Steve "the man asked you a question" but the guy doesn't say a word.

Steve bends down in front of him "Where's Roland Lowrey."

Again no answer so Lila crouches down in front of the guys "What do you want with Roland Lowrey?" the guy just groans. Lila rolls her eyes standing up "oh don't be such a baby getting shot's not that bad."

Steve gives his girlfriend a look as Danny talks to the guy "Hey, you know; I've been shot, too. Yeah, you really ought to get that looked at. What's it been, an hour or two since you got hit?" Danny crouches down in front of him "What's gonna happen is bacterial infection is gonna set in, and trust me you do not want that. It goes straight to your bloodstream. You get sepsis, organ failure and the next thing you know they're yanking out your kidneys." Steve looks down at Danny as he continues "and from what I hear, dialysis is um it's not fun."

Lila smirks cutting her brother off to get to the point "so the main thing we are getting at here is tell us what we want to know and we will get you to a hospital before you have to go through all that unpleasantness"

The guy still doesn't say a word so Steve comes in "Danno, Lila move, Chin, hold him down"

Chin and Steve are on either side of the guy Chin holding him down as Steve grabs the guys arm Danny looks at Steve "what are you doing?"

Lila smirks at her brother "Well we gotta get him to talk someway" Then Steve presses the guy's thumb into his bullet wound the guy tells in pain.

Danny just looks done with the whole situation "what is the matter with you?"

Lila rolls her eyes "well we wanna know who he is and Steve just got us a fingerprint."

Steve looks at the three of them "Give me a piece of paper" Chin pulls out a notebook and Steve lays the guys print on it "run that print."

Chin walks off to get the print run Steve hauls the guy up "come on, let's go, Princess"

Welp, I've decided that it will be after this episode that Danny finds out about Steve and Lila... I have it prewritten already well not the reaction or him finding out but what leads up to him finding out and you guys are in for it and that is all I am going to say on it for the rest you'll just have to wait until we get to the end of the episode. 

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