Chapter Ten

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Steve, Kono, Danny, and Lila share a look before walking out into the hallway, Steve looks at Kono "Who's that?"

"Name's Natalie Reed. She's Roland's girlfriend"

"she have any guess who'd want to grab her boyfriend?"

Kono shakes her head "no idea."

Steve looks at her "Alright stay close, if this is a kidnap and ransom, then the abductors might try and make contact, and if they do I want someone who can run the trace."

Kono nods "okay" She goes to walk away.

Danny stops her "hey, listen give us a couple of hours we'll run down some leads. We will relieve you. I promise so you won't miss your graduation"

Kono smiles "It's cool, brah"

Chin walks up to the four of them "I grabbed the security footage from a traffic cam near the crime scene, I'll mine it see if there's anything on there that can help us identify the shooters."

Steve looks at him "Did you get in touch with the security company that Roland hired today?"

Chin nods "yeah, I spoke to the owner. Turns out Roland hired the bodyguards for an appointment he had this morning"

Danny looks at Chin "Where were they going?"

"Hickam Air Force Base."

Danny looks at Steve "you know anyone at Hickam?" then he pauses and answers his own question "A stupid question, of course, you do"

Lila takes off to catch up with Steve on the way to Danny's car "Hey about the girlfriend... there's something off about her, I can feel it. I don't know what it is but her reaction she just didn't seem surprised"

He nods "you think she might be in on it?"

Danny catches up to them "I don't know but I wouldn't rule it out" they climb into Danny's car and Steve takes off to the Air Force Base.

A few minutes later they pull up to the Air Force Base and Steve cuts the car off, gets out of the car and pulls the seat up to let Lila out. She climbs out of the car.

"Roland became paranoid, firing off memos in the middle of the night directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Which pissed off his superiors to no end"

"what were the memos about?" Steve questions the guy as we are walking through the base.

"He was constantly telling us how vulnerable we were to attack. In fact, he moved to Hawaii not to retire, but to carry on with his work. He felt this is where he could do the most good."

Danny looks at the General "What does that mean?"

He looks between the three of them "Hawaii's in a strategic position in the global theater and that the United States Pacific Command is directly responsible for 150 million square miles. Literally half the Earth. Why do you think Pearl Harbor was a target?"

"Is that why he wanted to meet with you? 'Cause he felt we were still vulnerable?"

"He said he was working on something that could prove it."

"Okay, what was it?" Danny and Lila ask at the same time. Lila bites back a smirk being twins and all they do that a lot talk at the same time.

"He didn't feel comfortable talking about it over the phone, so he was bringing it over today."

Danny looks at the General "so Roland was about to expose some serious threat to the island?"

The General nods "that's why I took the meeting." Lila nods thinking 'Seems we have our motive for the kidnapping.'

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