Chapter Five

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After Steve told her they were wherever they were going, the three of them got out of the car and walked into this little restaurant where Lila sees Chin, the guy that she met that morning and then she realizes why Steve brought them there, the guy used to be a cop so he might know somethi h about the smuggling.

"Her name is Chen-Chi," Steve tells Chin showing him the picture on his phone.

Chin looks at the picture "where'd you find her?"

Steve looks at him "locked in a house, she came here to start a new life. They drugged her and turned her into a prostitute, the guy we're looking for is high profile: Victor Hesse, CIA, FBI, Interpol—he's on everyone's radar which means he didn't just land here and get his passport stamped, he was back-channeled in"

Chin looks at Steve "Mm and you think the same network that brought this girl to the island smuggled Hesse in"

Lila nods at what Chin said inserting herself into the conversation "We do, he made a fortune trafficking kids out of Malaysia"

"Then you are looking for a snakehead. Local Chinese gangs that specialize in human smuggling"

Danny speaks for the first time since we sat down "okay we need a name"

Chin laughs "are you kidding? Look at me, I'm a rubber gun now"

"Come on you were on the force for 15 years" Chin sighs "Okay, look I know a guy who's got ties to that world"

He goes to say something else but Steve cuts him off "great, get us an intro" Chin shakes his head "forget it. He's a former confidential informant, he trusts no one. Especially Haoles"

"You talk to him then"

"I'm busy"

Lila internally rolls her eyes 'and here goes Danny getting worked up' "you're busy? What are you expecting a crime wave in the gift shop this afternoon?"

Chin looks between the three of them "look I can't be a cop anymore"

Steve looks at him "Why not?"

Chin leans forward in his seat "because I can't be! You understand? HPD accused me of taking payoffs. So, I'm the last person the department wants to see wearing a badge"

After that Chin gets up "I gotta go"

Lila looks between Steve and Danny "this is going really well don't you think?"

Steve calls out as Chin leaves "Did you take the money?"

That stops Chin in his tracks "excuse me?"

Steve turns in his chair to look at Chin "Did you take the money?"

He shakes his head "No"

Steve stands up with Danny and Lila following behind him "then come with us and we don't need to talk about this again. Ever. This is your ticket back in the game, call it payback, call it whatever you want, I don't care but I need you"

Chin looks at Steve calculating "how do you know you can trust me?"

Steve looks him in the eye "because my old man did"

Chin agreed to go with them and is taking them to see his former CI, Chin is in the front, Lila is walking with Seve behind him and Danny is in the back pulling up the rear of their little group. The group of four walk up to a Shave ice stand, Chin smiles at the man behind the counter "Hey, Kamekona!"

They do a bro hug thing "How's it?" the man Kamekona smiles at Chin "Good to see you, my brother"

Chin leans in a bit "Hey bro."

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