Chapter Four

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Danny looks at his sister "what?"

Lila just smirks at him "We both shot at him but my bullet put him down before yours even hit him"

Steve smirks at his girlfriend "thank you"

She smirks back at him "you're welcome... And I'm sorry that I had to shoot your only lead"

Steve nods "It's okay Lila.... Now these are the same guys that are moving people out of Asia, they could have smuggled Hesse into Hawaii"

Danny looks so done with this situation right now "you just took a stupid risk okay? Understand that. I am not getting myself killed, for your vendetta, I have a daughter okay?"

Steve doesn't back down "yeah, that girl there is someone's daughter too."

Danny looks at Steve "you don't get, you don't get... I mean for someone who just lost his father you're pretty dense"

Lila rolls her eyes 'Oh god Danny you've done it now you brought up his father.'

Steve looks at him"what did you just say? What did you just say to me! What if she was yours? Huh? Is there anything that you would not do to hunt down the son of a bitch that did that to her and killed her?"

Lila looks between them 'Ohhh Steve has a point there Danno'

Danny puts his finger in Steve's face "don't question my resolve"

Steve looks down at him "one warning take your finger out of my face"

Lila is looking between them again thinking 'I should probably get in between that but I kinda wanna see how this plays out, so I'll stay off to the side for now.'

Then Danny pokes Steve on the chest "Listen to me you son of a bitch" and before anybody can react Steve has Danny's arm held behind his back and one wrong move and Steve could break that arm. "what did I tell you?"

Lila smirks 'I probably should have stopped that, but Steve did warn him and Danny didn't listen.'

Steve looks at Danny "I warned you"

"what are you a ninja? Let go"

Steve looks at the police officers "in front of all these nice people."

They start walking towards them but that's when Lila steps up "it's fine"

"Go back to your work it's fine" Danny groans "Now you don't have to like me... but right now there's no one else to do this job."

"Okay let me go" Steve lets him go and Danny stands up "okay look we need to find these human traffickers."

Then out of nowhere Danny pulls back and punches Steve "you're right I don't like you."

That is when Lila gets between them and pushes them apart to keep any more damage from being done "alright both of you back the hell up... Before I beat both of your damn asses" she gives Danny a look first "and don't think I won't Daniel" and then she looks at Steve "and you either Steven"

Danny Rolls his eyes at her... This is not the first time she's threatened to beat his ass like that and he knows that she would do it too. He shakes his head and walks away. Lila gives her boyfriend a look "hmm sorry babe but you kinda had that coming from almost breaking his arm."

Steve gives her a playful look "oh hush."

Now back in the car, Danny is driving and things are in a sort of tense silence which is to be expected given what went down back there. Until Steve breaks it "How's the arm?"

Lila pinches the bridge of her nose wanting so bad to laugh at this right now, but she knows it isn't the best time to do so. "let's just not talk"

Steve looks at him "you mean right now or ever again?"

"Just both okay?"

Lila can't help but put her input in "that would be kind of awkward... Just sayin."

Danny shoots his sister a look that says 'not helping'

Steve looks at Danny "you know, I think I might know why your wife left you."

Lila rolls her eyes "oh god Steve please don't send him off on a rant... I've had enough of those to last me for the rest of my life."

Danny looks at him...ignoring his sister's comment " Really?"

Steve nods "yeah your very sensitive."

Lila smirks piping up from the backseat once again "okay so not where I thought that was going."

Danny gives him a look "I'm sensitive, huh?"

Steve nods "yeah "

"You think I'm sensitive?"

Steve nods "well a little bit"

Danny glares at Steve "when did you come to the conclusion that I was sensitive, huh?"

"well you kinda are sensitive Danny and short-tempered most of the time."

Danny looks at her "Not helping the situation here Delila"

Lila smirks at her brother "well I had to put my input in Daniel and having lived with you for the first 18 years of my life... I would know this."

Danny shakes his head and looks at Steve again "Was it when a bullet was tearing through my flesh, is that when I seemed sensitive to you?"

Steve is just looking at him like 'really?'

But Steve's lack of response sets him off again "Huh? I am really happy that you are not afraid of anything, okay I am glad that you have that G.I Joe thousand-yard stare, from chasing shoe-bombers around the world okay?"
Lila rolls her eyes 'and here he goes off on a rant just like I figured he would'

Lila drowns out the rest of Danny's rant because she just didn't want to listen to it she was lost in her own thoughts until she heard Steve's voice "Jackals and Hyenas" she blinks looking between the boys thinking 'hmm wait what did I miss?'

Danny keeps ranting in how you apologize when you get someone shot. Steve looks at him "Hey, man I'm sorry, okay? I said I'm sorry, sincerely sorry... that is what I was trying to tell you last year when this conversation first started"

Danny bites his lip before glancing over at Steve "Your apology is noted... acceptance is pending."

Lila rolled her eyes again thinking 'God if there is one thing that I haven't missed it's those Danny rants when he just goes on and on about things like he did just now.'

Lila was so lost in her own head that she didn't even realizer that they were where they were going until Steve broke her out of her thoughts "Lila... we're here"

She nods at him with a smile "Sorry I was just lost in my own head thinking" 

I adore the dynamic between these three already :D

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