My life, my song.

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It's Friday, 3am in the morning

Weekend is coming, but week isn't over

Last class has almost begun

But we're thinking about having fun

Every day thinking: I wish it was Friday

Then comes Saturday and Sunday

And we start all over again

Then parties and Labour Day

Then Holidays &.. NO WAY!

Time happens easily

Then numbers passed so quickly

Messing around the house

Killing time, like cat and mouse

Graduation, jobs, responsabilities

My own appartment, our condo, our family.

Young and reckless, getting restless.

Every day thinking: I wish it was Friday

but then comes Saturday, Sunday

All over again, I don't wanna miss a thing

Christmas & other festivities

New Year and typical activities

Time happens easily

Numbers pass so quickly

People messing around the house

Killing time, like cat and mouse

home again, until death do us apart

watching partner's game; heart attack.

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