Start from the beginning

You both finally reached your aunt and uncle's house and you smiled when you pulled up in the neighborhood. You remembered all the times your friends and you used to play here. "Do you see that big tree there? We used to have a contest between us on who could climb up there the fastest. You won't believe the number of times I've fallen down but yours truly was always first" you replied proudly but Percy just had a concerned expression on his face. "Beloved I don't want to prevent you from having fun but please be more careful. And of course as much as it pains me to say this no more tree climbing for you, it's too dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt" and before you were about to reply you'd reached your aunt and uncle's house. You rang the bell and when the door was opened it was none other than your aunt. You still remembered her kind smiling face as the warmth of her home invited you in with the fragrance of cookies in the atmosphere

Your aunt's eyes widened with surprise as she pulled you in for a hug and spoke "I hope I'm not hallucinating that I'm seeing you Y/N. How are you dear? It's been a while since you've come by" and you smiled as you replied "I'm doing well thanks auntie. I miss you too" and she yelled for her husband, your uncle to come and greet you. He was surprised to see you standing there and he pulled you in for a hug as he ruffled your hair and pinched your cheeks . Then your aunt turned to Percy and asked "Now who is this fine young man? Oh don't tell me...he's your husband?"asked your aunt hopeful that you found a life partner at long last. You couldn't help but blush and Perc just looked smug as ever and before he was about to say something your uncle called out to you all. "Don't make my niece and that boy stand there by the doorway invite them in. You all can gossip later" as you giggled to yourself slightly. Yep, your uncle still had that no nonsense voice of his but he still loved your aunt very dearly even though he can sometimes be a hardass

You all caught up with things happening in all of your lives and when you told your aunt and uncle that Percy was your husband your uncle's eye twitched for a moment. "Oh he is now is he?" said your uncle with a forced smile plastered across his face and your aunt replied "Oh for goodness sake, stop. I'm happy for you dear but I feel bad we didn't get invited to your wedding" she pouted and you had to think of an excuse as to why you didn't invite them. How could you explain that your so called loving husband Percy kidnapped you and you both had a private wedding as he forced you to marry him. Luckily Percy came up with an excuse on the spot. "We just got married a while back and it was a small wedding with only friends since we all were too caught up with work" and you all continued to talk more after that. When you asked your aunt if the swing was still there at the top of the house she smiled and replied that it was and you could go there if you'd like while she'd make some lunch for all of you

Your eyes shined with excitement as you literally ran up the stairs to the top and you reached the room where your beloved swing stood motionless like it was beckoning you to come to it. "Oh I missed this" you smiled to yourself and Percy was happy to see you smiling. "I made lots of good memories here with my friends" as you sat on the swing and spoke "I hope I can still swing high like I used to" and you started to swing. Percy spoke 'Be careful love I don't want you getting hurt" and you just replied "I'll be all right don't worry" and you started swinging higher till you were about to slip and fall but luckily Percy caught you in time and he lectured you about the dangers of swinging high for 10 minutes and he finally hugged you and told you he was glad you were all right. You really did give him quite the scare you know, he felt like his heart was about to leap out of his chest when he saw you swinging so high

After spending some time there you decided to head back back and on your way you passed by your childhood friend's house and Percy asked you whose house it was and you filled him in about it. It was Ashton's house but what you didn't tell him was that when you were kids Ashton would always make you kiss him on the cheek and he wanted to marry you. Of course Percy would flip if he found out about that since he already detested Ashton for being so close to you in the pictures you've shown him. He looked less than thrilled and pleased and Ashton's grandmother invited you in. Ashton came into the room you all were in 10 minutes prior to you coming into their house and he looked really surprised and was unable to believe you wee actually in front of him. Percy's grip on your hand increased and you could literally feel his possessiveness radiating. "Y/N how are you? It's been really long since I've last seen you. Wow, you look beautiful as ever" and just as Ashton was about to hug you Percy knew he had to step in. No way in hell would he ever allow some random pathetic guy touch you, his beloved wife

"Greetings, the name's Percy. Percy Weasley and Y/N here is actually my wife now" he added with a smug and proud look as you didn't know whether to chuckle at his pettiness or face palm your head for his reaction. However Ashton didn't seem too fazed by it and he congratulated you on your wedding but Percy literally felt like slapping him when Ashton said " Y/N I thought we made a promise to each other when we were kids that you'd marry me" and you looked embarrassed as you nervously laughed as Percy glared at him with a dark look. You three ended up playing Monopoly and Go Fish and a bunch of other games for old times sake and Percy noticed Ashton was getting increasingly touchy with you much to his dislike. He was immensely shocked when he revealed you'd kiss him on the cheek when you were kids and Ashton asked you to marry him. The last straw was when he asked you for a kiss for old time's sake, the way Damian's aura changed was pretty evident. "I don't mean to be rude but we really do have to get going now. My wife's aunt would be expecting us, thank you for having us" said Percy with a forced smile plastered across his face as he picked you up bridal style and walked off the house with you in his arms

"I can't believe you'd kiss a filthy piece of trash like him. You're mine and the only person you'll ever be kissing is me. I hope that's crystal clear" said Percy in a final tone and you smiled to yourself as you replied "Sure Percy. I'm yours" as you lightly pecked his cheek and he looked smug like he'd conquered the entire freaking universe or something. You both returned to your aunt's home and you had your lunch and went around town for a few hours to relive your nostalgia of your golden days of freedom, your childhood(Lol who am I kidding? As if we kids were ever free)

You used to love going to this amusement park in your neighborhood called kids world and when you were climbing on one of those monkey bars some random dude was staring at you which of course pissed Percy off. He pulled him aside and had a not so friendly chat with him. I wouldn't be too surprised if the man ended up with broken bones. You guys stayed at your aunt's house for 2 more days on your aunt and uncle's insistence but Percy made sure to steer you away from that Ashton guy. Soon it was time for you guys to go back and your aunt sniffed as she spoke "Come visit us if you ever need anything dear we're always here for you" "Don't forget about us" your uncle added with a serious look but he looked like he was pouting a bit since you were leaving. You smiled and replied "Sure" as you hugged them and you thanked Percy for letting you see your aunt and uncle after that. "Percy, thank you so much for letting me see my aunt and uncle... I really appreciate you doing all this for me" as he kissed your forehead and replied "Of course beloved, I want you to be happy" while internally he was contemplating how to get rid of that pest Ashton for good. After all no one touches what's his and gets the hell away with it

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