Tragety and change

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I woke up to a loud knock on the front door. I tried to just ignore it and go back to sleep but it wouldn't stop so, naturally I got up and walked downstairs to answer the door.

When I answered the door I was puzzled. Standing in front of me was a police officer.
"Hello is this the Williams residence." asked the police officer.
"Yes it is." I said very confused.
"I regret to inform you that your parents died in a plain crash." so shocked by what he said I just stood there staring at him with tears blurring my vision.
"This can't be true," I said in shock.
"I'm sorry miss but it's true," he said," you are to be sent to California to live with your aunt and cousins."

When the officer left I couldn't stand it anymore. I picked up a vase and threw it to the ground watching it break into a million prices on the floor. I could not believe what I was just told and how they expected me to get packed and head on a plane to california to live with my aunt and cousins in just a few hours.

After packing a lot of my belongings into my suitcase I headed off to the airport. I was dressed in in simple sweatpants and a t-shirt that had a picture if 5sis on it.( my favorite band)

Once I was at the airport I headed to the gates after all the extra stuff. Once they called my flight I headed into the plain wondering what my new life would be like. I guess this is just the start of a new life, who knows maybe I will find my true love and have a great life. I guess I will just have to wait and see
Hey guys sorry this chapter is short

Strangers in loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن