𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 •||• 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐯𝐢 ✓

Start from the beginning

Suddenly I saw my ex girlfriend Esha with few boys! They were bullying her! As soon as she noticed me she stared at me with pleading eyes! I rolled my eyes and was about to move towards them when suddenly a tight slap landed on the boy's face who was holding Esha!

And to my surprise it's Pallavi! The boy stumble back as she pushed him and pulled Esha behind her! The boy gives a dead glare to her and was ready to attack on her! He was about grab Pallavi but I was fast enough to hold his arm! And soon a riot started there!

After few minutes I was able to knock down half of them and the rest ran away!

Esha: Thank you for...

Raghav: No need to thank me! If there was another girl in your place, I would have done the same!

Saying that I excused myself! I was sitting on the rooftop when suddenly someone came and sit beside me! I turn towards the person and found Pallavi with a first aid kit!

Pallavi: Give me your hand!

She demanded!

Raghav: Why should I!?

Pallavi: There's bruises which needs to be treated idiot!

Raghav: And why you care for your enemy!?

Pallavi: If there was another guy in your place, I would have done the same!

I chuckled at her sentence as she grab my hand and not a second later I shouted in pain!

Raghav: What the hell! Are you applying ointment or tearing my skin!?

Pallavi: Can't you sit quietly!? This will hurt a little!

Saying that she again started treating my wound ignoring my painful screams! Little did I know Esha was standing at the door staring at us with tightened fists!

𝐄𝐬𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐩.𝐨.𝐯

My plan would have worked! I intentionally tells my man's to bully me so that Raghav will save me and I can be a little bit close to him but this Pallavi! Ugh! She ruined everything! If she haven't come in between then I would have been the one treating Raghav's wounds!

If I want Raghav back, first I have to keep this Pallavi away from him! And I know what I have to do! I grab my phone and makes a call!

Esha: Hello! I have a task for you!

𝟐 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐯'𝐬 𝐩.𝐨.𝐯

I was standing outside the library! Pallavi haven't came to college from 2 days! Neither she told anyone any reason nor she's answering any of my calls! Iam getting worried now! She isn't at her apartment as well!

Plus one more trouble! Esha! She keeps clinging and keeps trying to come close to me no matter how much I ignore her and tries to stay away from her!

But I don't know why I'm feeling like Esha is behind Pallavi's absence! So I decided I will follow her today!

As I decided I started following her as soon as she leaves the college! But she straight went to her house! I stayed there in my car for some time and after few minutes I saw her going to a different wrote!

I followed her until her car stopped in front an abandoned house! I haven't seen any other person except us in this area! She comes out from her car and started going inside! I too followed her making sure I didn't make any noise!

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