My Person - Spencer Crandall

Start from the beginning

'She's right Hope, if anyone at this school deserves to be happy, it's you and Jo. Don't stand in the way of your own happiness.'

'Yeah, you guys are right. And I know that my parents, uncle Elijah and Cami are happy together in the afterlife. If anything, they're my example that you shouldn't wait because you never know when time will run out. They were supposed to be immortal and look what happened. I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna tell Josie that I'm ready to be with her. But... I still have no clue how.'

'Okay well, you said that Josie wrote you a song right? And I know that you can sing and play the guitar, so why not do the same. That way it's personal and something you guys can hold on to forever.'

'Mg is right, that's a great idea and we'll help if you need it.'

'That's actually a really good plan and yeah I could use your input. Can we go to my room?'

Nodding, Lizzie and Mg follow Hope up to her room. Hope sits at her desk while Lizzie takes the bed and Mg sits in the beanbag chair.

'Okay, so when you think of or look at our bestie, what feelings come to mind? Other than love obviously.'

'It's like I know that I've found my person. The one I want to come home to and make breakfast in bed. She's one of a kind, no one's ever made me feel like this before. To sum it up, she's my best friend, my heartbeat, my everything. She's the one, the girl I wanna gush to my aunts about and if my mom was here, the one I'd stay on the phone talking about.'

'Well damn, I knew that you loved her but wow. I honestly don't think you need our help. Just write about what you just said. I know she'll love it. We can stay if you want or we can go so you have time to work this out.'

'Thanks Liz, umm I think I'm good on my own. But thank you both so much for all your help.'

'It's no problem Hope, you're the closest thing I have to a sister and Josie is my best friend . I do anything I can to make sure y'all are happy.'


'Hey actually, do you think y'all can meet me at the old mill tomorrow morning? I wanna set it up and take Josie there to tell her.'


'Of course'

'Thanks, see you guys later.'

Hope works on the song all night before going to bed. That night she dreams of one thing only: Josie.

Time skip to the next morning

Josie wakes up and sees that Lizzie is already dressed, which is odd because it's Saturday and she's never up this early on the weekend.

'Hey Liz, why are you up so early?'

'Huh, oh me and Mg have the whole day planned and wanted to get a head start. There's a new comic book coming out and we wanna get in line early.'

'Oh okay, have fun'

Lizzie just smiles before heading out the door. She has no clue, this is gonna be great, Lizzie thinks to herself.

Walking to the old mill, Lizzie sees Hope and Mg already there with coffee and bagels.

'Hey guys'


'So, are you ready?'

'Yeah I spent all night writing the song and I feel really good about it.'

'I heard a few lines and it's really good babe.'

'Wait, how come Mg gets to hear it but I don't?'

'Umm because he got here when I was practicing.'

'Okay fine, anyways, let's hurry this up so you two can stop pining over each other. I love you guys but it's getting hard to watch all the heart eyes.'

'Yeah yeah, whatever.'

The trio spends the next hour setting everything up before Hope texts Josie to meet her in the old mill and Mizzie makes themselves scarce.

'Hey Hope what'd you wanna ta'

The words fall from Josie's lips as she looks up and sees everything. Fairy lights decorate the pillars and there's candles everywhere. Right in the middle, there's two seats, surrounded by rose petals.

'Hope, what's going on?'

'Remember when you told me that when I was ready, I should find you? Well, I'm ready and I wanted to tell you in a way that makes you feel special. So please just listen before you say anything.'

Josie nods her head as Hope guides her to her seat.

Hope grabs her guitar and sits in front of Josie, looking her in the eyes.

(All copyright belongs to Spencer Crandall)

I was looking for a long time, I didn't know that night I'd find, my person, my heartbeat, my slow dance, my Sunday morning sippin on coffee in bed...

My saving grace, my everything. I've never been more sure that you're my person...

You're my call home, sayin it's more than love. Momma she's the one...

Look ahead up the road and you know I'll see you there. Rockin' chair, little gray in your hair, yeah I'm still gonna stare...

I've never been more sure that you're my person. Yeah baby you're my person.

'I know I've said it before, but I love you Josie. With every fiber in my body. I'm ready now, I'm ready for date nights, stargazing, being teased by the super squad for being that couple. I want to make you breakfast in bed and walk you to class. I want you to go out with me when I run and curl up in here with a book until I'm done. I want you to wear my Mikaelson necklace so that everyone knows you're mine. I want all of it and I want you to have all of me.'

Josie tries to speak, but her emotions are so high that nothing comes out. So, she does what she's been waiting six years to do. She gets up and crashes her lips with Hopes. It's messy and passionate and filled with everything words can't explain.

Laying her forehead against Hope's, Josie takes a second before speaking. Her voice is low, as if she's afraid to speak too loud and ruin the moment.

'I want that too Hope. I want double dates with Lizzie and Mg. I want to come back from a date and gush about it with my mom. I want Lizzie to tease me about how much I love you and calm me whipped. And I won't care because it's true. I wanna meet your family, because I know how much they mean to you. I want movie nights here in the old mill and I wanna go with you when you wolf out because I know that you don't let people see you in wolf form. So the fact that you want me to be there means so much to me. I want forever with you Hope.'

'Well it's a good thing I want that too. Forever sounds amazing Jo. I would never ever ask you to transition and become a heretic for me but if you do want that in the future, it's something we can talk about. Until then, I wanna start our forever right now, if that's okay with you.'

'That sounds perfect'

Leaning in, Hope kisses Josie again, knowing that she's found her always and forever.

I can't wait to tell you all about her mom, Hope says in her head.

'Me either babygirl, but that's not for a very long time.' Hayley says, happy that her little girl is truly happy now.

A/N: I know that mentioning certain people might make people sad, but it adds to the story. Either way I apologize for any distress it might cause. Also, yes I'm aware that Caroline technically lost Klaus too, but I think what they had was infatuation, not love. It's one reason I'm mad that Hosie didn't happen, I like to think that Hope and Josie could've had what their parents didn't. I also ship Klayley more than Klaroline 🤷🏽‍♀️.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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