Chapter 15: Hell Hath No Fury

Start from the beginning

"No! Absolutely not. That would never fucking happen and you know it." Hailee says with a fierce bite. Truthfully, I believe her. But I know she's hiding something.

"Then why lie, Hailee? If you aren't sleeping around then what could be worth lying to her for? Have you gone mad?" I ask, still enraged.

"It's complicated." Hailee says, sounding equal parts defeated and angry. "And you know how things can be..." she adds.

I roll my eyes, thankful that she can't see me. Although who am I kidding? I wouldn't give a shit if she could see me.

"Oh don't give me that! And things are as complicated as we make them. But yes, I do know how things are. I also know that SHE knows how things are, and she understands. So we both know that everything you just said was a cop out." I say, calling her out on her shit.

Am I being hard on her? Maybe. But at the end of the day, I won't ever sit idly by and let two people I care about deeply end up hurting.

"It's not a cop out, Florence! You just don't understand the situation!" She exclaims, no doubt yelling on her end as well.

"You're right, I don't understand the situation." I concede. "But what I do understand is that whatever shit you're doing isn't going unnoticed. And if you fuck around for too long, you risk losing the love of your life. So the only thing you need to be concerning yourself with is whether or not your little situation is worth losing the best person who ever walked into your life."

I hear what sounds like a small sniffle come through my speakers.

Is Hailee crying?

"Look. You're right. I know you're right. And trust me, nothing is worth losing her for. Ever. I'd give up everything I have or ever will have just to have her. She is my everything. Please believe that." She says, her resolve breaking slightly, but not her conviction.

I take a deep breath before continuing, calming myself down a fraction. "I do believe you, Hailee. But you didn't see her today, I did. She noticed. And it bothered her." I admit softly.

"Can I fix it?" She asks me. I'm surprised by her question.

"That's up to you. I tend to think most things can be fixed. But you have to talk to her. No more lying. And again, I don't know what you did, and I don't want to. But whatever it was, you made the wrong call." I scold.

"I know. But I promise you everything is handled. Nothing like this will ever happen again. I promise." She says sincerely.

"You better keep that promise. Because this is strike one. I don't think I'll be so considerate next time. Truthfully, I'm still livid with you right now. I don't take kindly to anyone hurting my best friend. Not even you." I say sternly, and a mean every ounce of it.

"I know. And thank you, Flo. I really appreciate you as a friend. And I love how much you love her." Hailee says, and I know she means it. At the end of the day, Hailee is good.

"I love you both. But I will kill for her. She doesn't deserve another ounce of hurt in her life. And I sure as shit won't stand for that hurt coming from you. So heed my warning, Hailee Steinfeld. Don't fuck her over, and don't fuck this up. I want to see you both happy. And frankly, working with you would get really fucking weird if we were at odds. So just don't." I say, making my warning abundantly clear.

Hailee chuckles on the phone, her mood lightening. "I love you too. And I won't fuck it up. She means too much to me. This trip was something, but it's not something I ever care to repeat." Hailee assures me.

I'm getting ready to end the call when one final thought crosses my mind. I have to say it. "And Hailee?" I say.

"Yea?" She replies.

"If I do happen to find out what you've been up to, and I find out that you lied to me and are on some shady shit, I'll end you. And I'll also tell you this, just one time..." I hear Hailee inhale on the line, waiting for me to finish.

"We both know how serious I've always been about wanting her. You don't treat her right? I will make it my life's mission make damn sure I do. And I won't let her go." I say, and it hits me just how much I truly mean my words.

To my surprise, Hailee doesn't get angry at me for my statement. She definitely knows she fucked up.

"I know. And for whatever it's worth, I know you'd treat her every bit like the queen she is. But make no mistake, she is mine. And she always will be." Hailee bristles. That's what I was expecting.

I chuckle. "Don't fuck up and you don't have anything to worry about. Y/n and I are just best friends. But don't forget what I said." I reiterate.

"Trust me, I won't be forgetting. It's not like it's a secret that you're in love with her. Fletcher is just a distraction." Hailee says, calling me out.

"Hey! You aren't allowed to say shit like that today!" I exclaim. Hailee laughs.

Before I can end the call, Hailee speaks up. "Flo?" She says.

"Hm?" I acknowledge.

"Thank you. For calling me on my shit and holding me accountable. I'm going to make this right. You have my word. And before you say it, I know I broke your trust today. But from here forward I'll be working to gain that back." She says, and I don't doubt her.

"Good. And don't worry, I'll always call you on your shit. And I mean it. Don't you dare hurt her. I'll end you and steal your girl." I warn one final time.

"Don't worry, I won't. I'll be home tomorrow and make amends." She says.

"Good. You better. But I'm going to let you go now, I'm almost home and I've got to go over scene notes for tomorrow." I say.

"Fun stuff. When are you done?" She asks.

"We've got another few weeks shooting then I'm free until summer. But don't worry, I'll be keeping tabs and checking in." I add.

"I'm counting on it. Sorry I missed you today. Have fun on set tomorrow. I love you." Hailee says.

"Love you too. Even when you're a total dipshit." I say. "Bye Hailee."

"Bye." She bids me farewell and ends the call.

I have to admit, I'm glad I got to talk to her and ruffle her feathers a bit. And I do sincerely believe her when she says she's going to do better. But there's still a twinge of something. Something I can't quite place. I think I finally am experiencing the same feeling y/n was describing earlier, and it's unsettling.

As I continue my drive home, there are very few thoughts on my mind, and none of them have anything to do with scene notes.

What is she hiding? And how long before y/n finds out?

And most importantly....

I hope I find out first.

Author's Note
Florence POV for the win? Just a short little snippet for you guys. And I still don't exactly have an answer. But don't worry, all on due time. Do we think she's still lying? Stay tuned. Stay well and drink some water, friends!

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