about him. I can't help but worry about all his siblings and his parents.

We were all sitting in the tent. And "Hey Little Train" started to play. Harry must

have saw that I looked sad.

"Do you want to dance Hermione?", he said.

"Sure.", said with a little laugh.

We start to sway with the music.

"Don't worry about Ron. He will cool off in a few days.", he says.

"I can't help but worry, Harry. He has a lot to be worried about.", I say. I start

to cry. The pregnancy hormones and everything else is starting to get to me.

"It's okay. It may take a while, but we will find those horcruxes Hermionie. We


to.", Harry says. Hugging me.

Harry's hug made me feel better. The two people in the world you can always make me

feel better are Ron and Harry.

(The next day)

Ron's POV: I saw Harry dancing with Hermione last night this the last straw I am


Harry's POV: "Harry I think I found something!", Hermione yelled.

"What is it?", I asked.

"You know how you used the sword of Gryffindor to slay the basilisk?", she said.

"Yes of course.", I said.

"The sword is now embedded with basilisk venom and it can now destroy horcruxes.

Basilisk venom has the power to do anything! ", Hermione said gleefully.

"Oh Hermione, you're a genius!", I yell. We are finally making some progress. I give

Hermione a big hug.

Hermione's POV: "Well... Well... Just keep carrying on you two as if I am not

here... I

saw you dancing last night. Trying to steal my fiancé I see Harry. I thought you

were done with that kinda business, but maybe I was wrong. You want to do her once

you'll want to do it again. Maybe that's why you keep stalling! I really thought we

would have been able to destroy at least one bloody horcrux by now...", Ron said


"Ron, love it isn't like that at all! You wouldn't be saying all these things if

you weren't wearing that stupid locket around your neck! ", I say. Putting my hand

to his face. He removes it from his face and walks past me to yell more at Harry.

"What did you think Ron that we would be sleeping in a five star hotel finding a

horcrux every other day???", Harry yelled.

"No. I just thought we would've found something by now! It's isn't good for Hermione to

be out here Harry! You know that! I have to worry about her and the rest of my

family back home. You don't know how that feels!", Ron screamed.

"Of course I know how it feels! You don't think I know that feels?!?!", Harry yells

at the top of his lungs.

"No you wouldn't know Harry because your parents are dead!", Ron says. Harry

pushes Ron to the ground. Ron comes back with a punch striking Harry across his right cheek.

"Stop it you two!", I say breaking up the fight.

"I am leaving! I'm done with you Harry! I can't deal with you anymore. Come on

Hermione were going!", Ron yells.

"Ron I can't leave, love. Harry will not be able to find these Horcruxes and save

us all from Voldemort without them. I have to stay and you need to stay too.", I

say. I can't bear it if he leaves. I wish he would stay here with me.

"I have to go Hermione. I can't stay here with Harry any longer. Come with me.",

Ron said.

"I can't Ron. I love you so much, but I can't leave Harry to find all the horcruxes

on his own. Please don't leave.", I say.

"Goodbye Hermione.", Ron says. He throws the locket off his neck. It hits the floor

with a bang. He walks out of the tent. I try to run after him but it is too late.

He has disappeared... I break down in the snow crying. The locket had corrupted


Forever: A Romione Love Story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now