Incubus Tavern Owner

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"Oh a curious customer, you can call me Rescór Tsül, it may sound a bit but it's a half dragon name," he said with a smirk as he set a drink infront of you. In reality this is not a half giant name, it's a Elder Demon name which has been lost to time, replaced by the common demonic language.

"I'm a couple decades old, my half giant blood makes me age much slower than humans," he said with a chuckle looking at you. In reality he is well over six thousand years old being very ancient. In fact he is so old he is thinking if becoming a God like his old friend Bahamut.

"Well I'm a male obviously or do you require a more....hands on confirmation," he asked smirking as he looked at you. He is a male however he is able to change that if he wishes however he'll always be an Incubus. This means he can become a girl or even a futa.

"Oh I can see why you'd ask, I'm a half giant which you may be able to tell by my size," he said chuckling leaning on the bar looking at you. He is actually a type of demon known as a Primordial Incubus. This is a version of incubus with incredible pure blood with 95% or above purity. He is even more rare with his blood being 100% pure.

"Oh I think both men and women look lovely, though there's something about a feminine look that just gets me going," he said with a wink as he looked at you. He is interested in both men and women though he had a feminine lead meaning he is bisexual with a preference for feminine looks on both men and women.

"Oh I am a very flirty person if I saw so myself," he said with a chuckle as he winked at you. Like he said he is very very flirty, often being able to be found talking with customers in flirty ways though never really taking advantage of any customers that are too drunk to know what they are doing.

"Oh you wanna know more, well I like to think a kind person, if not a little naughty," he said chuckling as he poured out some drinks for the costumers. He is a rather kind person often helping people who are way to drunk if he sees them getting harassed by giving them a room in his Brothel. He also can't stand seeing his female staff being harassed and giving the fact it's a Brothel that happens quite a bit though doesn't continue very often.

"Even more huh, aren't you a curious one, well I think I have a soft side," be said chuckling looking at you. While he doesn't show it often thanks to his flirtatious nature he can be very understanding and soft on people who need it such as his employees. Back when they started to work for him they did so because they had no other choice however after he helped them they decided to stay there thanks to them being very fond of Rescór.

"Like I said earlier, I am a half giant so of course I'm tall," he said with a chuckle as he wiped down the bar before putting the rag over his shoulder. While he is really a Primordial Incubus he is still much much taller than any other Incubus or Succubus standing at a massive twelve and a half feet tall. However thanks to his shapeshifting abilities this can grow and shrink depending on what he changes into or simple grows or shrinks his height.

"Well as a half giant I am quite heavy though thanks to my half side I'm still quite handsome," he said smirking as he looked at you. While he is really a Primordial Incubus he is still massive and thanks to his height he would weigh around four hundred and twenty pounds. However thanks to him being able to shapeshift he is able to decrease or increase this weight depending on what he turns into.

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