Know Your Fish, Know Your Salt

Start from the beginning

"That, put that in your offer of marriage in a month. And I'll accept it without hesitation." You urged him.

"Ok." Zorroku smiled before he kissed you.

"Ok, I need to get out of this bed before I really cross the line with you." Zorroku realized as his body reacted to you by getting hard again.

"Well at least we can play with fire a little, just enough to keep warm and stay satisfied- for now." You smiled.

"For now. But get ready, in a month, I'm gonna fight not to fuck you into the bed so hard, we break it." Zorroku gently teased as he reluctantly tore himself away from you to get redressed.

"Promises, promises." You teased back, happy but sated as sleep started to pull you down too.

Once he had redressed, he kissed you goodnight and traded you a clean night gown for your soiled one and took your soiled nightgown and put it into the same soapy water with Ori's diaper before he tucked you and Ori into bed and blew out your lanterns and candles and threw a few more logs onto your fire pit before he saw himself out and blew out a breath of relief to find no one around your home or tent that could have overheard anything. But he could clearly see and hear that your sister had all your previous suitors in her own home and was laughing and talking with all of them as she drank peach whiskey with them around the fire in her lower level. He simply grinned in amusement and shook his head. You and your twin may have looked very similar, in fact, most would argue that she was the prettier of the two, but in personality- the two of you couldn't be more opposite. And he was so grateful for it. But he couldn't help but notice that others from Mountain Blizzard were at the tents of Bully's Bitches tents, trying to court them too. He went to his own tent and could hear Nar and Shuzug talk excitedly to each other in Nar's tent as they decided to room together.

He barely got undressed and collapsed into bed before his dreams were instantly reunited with yours.

The next day he awoke up to the sight of everyone coming to have breakfast as your sister Lily seemed to have all your previous suitors around her as she seemed to flirt and coo to all of them and had every last one practically eating out of her hand and wrapped around her fingers. And all Zorroku could do was shake his head and was grateful that you had saved an open space for him next to you but were otherwise happy to eat breakfast on your own as you too were happy to not have your former suitors practically drool over you.

"Good morning, did you sleep good?" You asked with a slightly mischievous grin which made Zorroku's bashful smile bloom on his face as his cheeks darkened considerably.

"Yup, you?" He returned.

"Great, been having nothing but great dreams ever since I came here." You answered.

"Good." Zorroku nodded.

"After breakfast, there are many of us that are going to be fishing for those really big fish in the river, did you want to join me or did you want to stay on shore with Ori?" You asked him.

"No, I'll go in the water with you." He answered.

"I'd love that, plus it would give my mom more time with Ori." You proposed since Ori was in your mother's lap as she ate her breakfast on the other side of you as Ori was happily babbling and cooing to her as your mother was responding as if Ori was actually speaking words to her as Ori did sound like she was telling your mom a story which Zorroku thought was the cutest and most wonderful thing and could see where you learned to be such an excellent mother, was from your own.

After breakfast you got dressed in a swimming suit consisting of little shorts, and a top that did a decent job of covering your bosom and a bathrobe before Lilly came out of her own yurt and your eyes went a little wide and your jaw dropped slightly to see her own swimming suit clovering little except her breasts and sex as she was soon surrounded by your former suitors who were also wearing small swimming trunks which you could only hope and assume was stuffed to show off their potentially large manhood which made you blush before you turned to see Shuzug, Nar and Zorroku dressed much more decently.

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