💗 Chapter 4💗

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A/N:I've recently finished watching Soul Eater...and why is Saiki's dad here? Go away, it's all I can hear now. I never thought I'd find his dad hot-

*process to do more research* AND SOUL IS KAIDOU! WHAT THE HECK?!

Anyway, sorry it's been a minute, I'm a perfectionist so writing takes a little bit longer than I want it to. But now we're back.

Guide (since I think it's needed):
Y/N's (and other people's) thoughts
Y/N's (and other people's) Daydreams/Dreams
Saiki's thoughts
"Saiki speaking with telepathy"
"Saiki speaking with his mouth"
"Saiki speaking to Y/N directly"

~💗~ = time skip
~|💓💗💓|~ = segment change


I sling my bag over my shoulder, "Oh! L/N!" Teruhashi calls. I flinch and turn to her, Crap! You were going he last person I wanted to run into alone! "Hey..." I greet. She smiles brightly at me, "That's odd, Saiki's not with you? You two always seem to be together." Teruhashi says, looking around curiously.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask the art teacher a few questions about something I'm working on. Are you looking for him?" I ask, Teruhashi laughs nervously "Yes, the teacher said I had to give him this worksheet!" She says quickly, "Oh, want me to give it-" "Aw, no! I couldn't ask you to do that. You're probably busy!" She laughs, Or it's the fact you really want to talk to him... "Well...if I see him. I'll let him know you're looking for him." I say "Just to give him the worksheet." Teruhashi states "Yeah, yeah. See ya around, Teruhashi." I say, fighting the urge to laugh as her face reddens a little.

I continue walking through the halls, Knowing Ku, he probably already knows Teruhashi's looking for him. He said he can read everyone's thoughts within 200 meters. Wait, can he hear my thoughts now? Probably not? No way he can hear my thoughts over everyone else's... I get closer to the locker room before Hairo steps in front of me, "Hey, L/N! Oh, Saiki's not with you?" He asks, looking at me in confusion. Note to self: stop hanging around Ku so much. "No he's-"

Kaidou screams loudly, causing Hairo to run off into the locker room. "HOLD ON, I'LL SAVE YOU!" Hairo scream, I walk over to put on my shoes.

"What happened? I heard a scream!"
"It's Dark Reunion! They found my hiding spot!"
"...oh...ok, yeah."

I finish tying my laces, Is Ku still here? Do I need to wait for him or can I just leave? He's never left me to walk home alone before, but no one can find him and I haven't heard anything from him. I cringe when Toritsuka walks up to me, "You two finally heading home, Saiki...L/N?" He asks, I blink in confusion. What? "I'll walk with you guys." Toritsuka says, he places is hand up, and suddenly Kusuo appears, I stare at him in confusion.

"Ah! There he is!"

Hairo, Kaidou, and Teruhashi surround Kusuo, all talking at once. Only thing I understood was all of them asking "You're not busy are you?" "Oh! Teruhashi!" Toritsuka gasps, staring at her in awe, What the heck just happened? I'm still so confused.


"So, where were you that whole time?" I ask "At first I was hiding in the bathroom and then I was following you for awhile." Kusuo states "Ok...but why didn't you just teleport home?" I ask, looking up from a sketch I was working on. "Had to switch my shoes." Kusuo says, "Couldn't you have just...teleported home, apported your regular shoes by switching them with your school shoes and been home in time?" I ask. Kusuo's room becomes quiet, Kusuo stares off even more emotionless than normal.

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