Jungkook come to his home to meet a new guest sipping his hot choclate . Jungkook frown but interupted by his own son" papa it's my friend taeyong" . Jungkook make a oh face and sweetly smile and young boy who smiled back with the same sweetness .Jungkook know he was not good with kids more than that he only interact with junghoon non other than any kids he was not attracted nor interested in any kind of clingy acts but what suprised him was Taehyung was more than attracted to kids and looks like the boy was also interact Taehyung more and he can clearly see a jealous junghoon in the side . He again smile at the boy and go upstairs after giving a warm kiss to junghoon pouty cheeks . He come downstairs only to see taehyung was cleaning the table while taking the dishes he igonored the boxy smile he flashes everytime and looked at junghoon who was glaring taehyung like he gonna kill him . He go near to his baby ask with sweet tone . " Where is your friend is his parents come and pick him" junghoon was more than angry and jungkook can easily feel " Is my baby is angry hmmm" junghoon gritted his teeth looking at taehyung and said "papa can't you divorce this servant then marry jimin uncle he was nice and good and perfect for you . Then why we are keeping this man here I hate him he even stole my only best friend ". Taehyung was stuck when he heard his son saying that he hate him he just want to be nice to his sons guest but things get worst his son thought he was stealing his friend he was scared of the word divorce . What if kookie divorce him there is nothing special to keep him as his husband but contract doesn't end still then how he. He can't have a image of living without his son and husband.

Jungkook sighn patting his sons hair and said dissapointedly and loudly when he see taehyung was eardropping the conversion "I will baby just wait a little bit I will divorce but iam not gonna marry jimin I never gonna marry anyone I live my life fullest with my baby ..only with my baby princess" "I ain't a princeses papa iam a prince" Junghoon whined and his jungkook chuckled at his cute baby . Taehyung was on otherhand doesn't know what to do he run to his small room near the kitchen and same usual started to cry like a little baby .

Jungkook like junghoon's frustrated face and he keep teasing the boy . "So you have a crush on him right ". "Nahhhhh papa please it's gross" . Junghoon whined making jungkook again burst in to laughter. Junghoon come to his serious mode and ask making his father's attention on him "papa did I have a boxy smile like appa taeyong said iam similar to appa and even have a boxy smile like him and he ask me you sure he and me doesn't have any relation " Jungkook looked at the boy lips yeah its the first time he noticing this his son have the exactly same boxy smile his husband have and looks like a really a mini version of taehyung but he wish his son doesn't have the same personality as taehyung that he hate the most .

The car parked in front of the big mansion where embroided in wall as Kim residence. A man with a dimple smile come out from the car to get a tight hug from his husband. "joonie I missed you a lot" the dimple smiled man smile got bigger and kissed his husband's lips and said back "I missed you too jinnie" . Namjoon give his big wide dimple smile to his husband whose heart flutter all of sudden Jin wonders is it dimple because of his deep kiss or this beauty in front of his was a mistake made by an angel . "Baby I heard you lost the case" Jin rolled his eyes and said "yeah because my opponent was a big asshole who can cheat anyone easily" namjoon chuckled how his husband was pouting . He still remember the first year of their marriage and he really dont want to look back on that time where he hate the elder and do anything to hurt him just because the marriage is a forced marriage . He sighned and looked around to see a certain person he confusely ask "where is hyung" . Jin bit his lips while and looked at namjoons confused eyes "appa locked him in the room cause he was scared that yoongi will runaway before marriage." Namjoon frown at the word marriage and ask back "what marriage don't tell me that old man try to marry him off like a forced marriage". Jin shook his head at his husband's anger "namjoonii its for his good he need a partner in his side he is 2 year older than you . Look at him how he spoiling his life drinking and smoking after all yesterday the cops were saying he he have weeds in his pocket" . Namjoon bite his lips hearing that he never think his brother was this much broken to go for drugs to ease his heart he let out a "oh my God". Jinn nodded and continued "its better joonie remember the last time he go to hospital I think it's way a year before after all he is a doctor he should continue his work other than spoiling his life" . Namjoon frustratedly pulled his hair and shook his head that indicated he never gonna allow this "I can't allow jinnie forced marriage can cause lot of trouble remember how how I treat you back then I hurt you lot and I dont allow my brother also go through same pain as me I will stop the marriage what ever it cause" .

Namjoon opened the door only to see yoongi was in his couch scrolling through his phone with a cancer stick in his mouth . He smiled at the elder atleast elder is sobber that's he want . Yoongi titled his head to the direction were younger brother coming he rolled his eyes and said "fucker I thought that fucking old man coming for tell me to meet the God damn girl". Namjoon laughed at his brothers eye roll he sit near his brothers side while eying him but startled when yoongi spoke "are you gonna eat me idiot why are you looking at me like a creep" . Yoongi was awestruck when namjoon suddenly interupted and ask back "are using weeds now" . Yoongi gulped didn't know what to do or say he say it one go "yes iam" namjoon nodded like controlling his tear. yoongi looked at his brother and patted his brothers shoulder and said while caressing softy "its going to be alright , we are going to be alright" "how about a rehab" namjoon asked. yoongi sadly smiled back and said seriously "no use joonie iam not addict to go to rehab. That Oldman changed our life because of him we lost him our appa become so cruel after losing eomma I never forgive him" .

Jungkook opened the drawer and take a old frame where a middle aged man and a lady with two boys one with a graduation dress and other is in a casual and a girl who possing the pic like she was forced to . He caressed the frame and a tear left from his eyes how come he try to forget this faces that he never gonna see his entire life again . His family no his old family .now there is nothing . He come out from his trance when he heard a knock in his door . He annoyedly put back the frame to the cupboard and opened the door only to see a tired taehyung with puffy eyes looks like the elder cried a lot but who cares jungkook frown and ask "what" taehyung bite his lips and ask with hesitation " mm mm Jennie said tomorrow you were going for a picnic , she and other maid also coming right can I also come I can look after junghoon ". Jungkook laughed at the scared man. taehyung looks at the slightly laughing jungkook how ethreal the bunny teeth the plum glossy lips the doe eyes doesn't have no emotions he wonder he is the reason once the glistening eyes who holds whole universe now showing nothing even a single feel emotion. " iam not going for a picnics for servants iam going picnic for my baby and I already appointed a servant there is no need of another . You can go" taehyung hessistately looked at the younger and asked "is Iam a servent to you"? "ofcourse" jungkook replied in one go making the taehyungs heart ache .it was not he was interesting to go for a picnic yeah he kinda interested but most of all he cant live without seeing his son and husband he was addicted to see their faces and feel their presence . Again he bit his lower lips nervously and ask "how many days are you planning" "1 day we will be back in morning if you done with your questions please get out I really can't stand in front your face" . Jungkook harshly closed the door with a thud making taehyung flinch badly . He sighn standing there dissapointed he know the coming days was more painfull than others but he have to endure it just for the sake of his love and child and for the hope of they loving back and he wish his boxy smile he kept in every difficult situation don't fade while fighting aganist his inner self and longing for love . He got startled when a sweet voice heard behind "he didn't allow" taehyung pout at that girl and said with a sad voice "no" Jennie sighn and looked taehyung face which only shows dissapointed she was newbie here she first thought taehyung was one of the servant or what but living here for 1 week she knows taehyung was a more than servant and she feel pitty to him she sadly smiled and said "you know when I was UK doing a cleaner job in a apartment were some university students were living I meet a girl she was nice and beautiful stupid me thought that she like me no love me but and confident me propose her and she laughed a lot and said I am just mere maid who was living in a delusional world I stop that job and come back . I just want to tell you don't live In a delusional world like me you will hurt more and more" . Taehyung nodded even though he doesn't understand a single thing .

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