A Surprising Feeling

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It was a rainy and cloudy afternoon in the city of Controversial States, as always. Vox was spending his time in a library trying to find his favorite literary genre, "How To Fatshame." He finally found a book, which had too many pages to finish in just one day.

- "Mmh, I'd like it better if it wasn't 5000 pounds, but I'll still take it," Vox told himself.

He took the book with him and handed it to the librarian, then ended up walking out the door, feeling exhausted. Walking through the streets of the city until he gets home is definitely not his favorite activity. Not only does it smack of average content creators, but the supposed "love" being shared is embarrassing and ridiculous for Vox. The "passionate" couples walking the dirty sidewalks looked goofy and
exaggerated with every move they made, it amazed him how people considered it cute and "true love."

¿What is true love in this city even? ¿Behaving like someone who has never been touched by a non-fictional person?

Thoughts consumed him as he tried to bear walking through that city, feeling the horrible air rushing across his grumpy face. Living in the Controversial States was torture, even if his behavior fit the theme of this country. He felt like someone who modern society would call "Emo" every time he told himself that so-called "love" doesn't really exist, but he didn't care. Nothing could change his way of thinking, enough was enough...or maybe someone could. While he was walking and also trying to control his anger, he saw something that fully caught his attention. Something perfectly round and shiny, as if it had been doused with glitter. It was strange, but beautiful at the same time. He began to watch it more closely, his eyes looking at it as if he were reading every detail. He stayed there for a while, and that's when he discovered the true identity of that wonder ball. It was the head of a strange man, a strange man who still gave off an amazing vibe to Vox, and there was no specific reason why. His Squidward walk made him feel things he couldn't put into words, there was something about him that made him glow even brighter than his head. It was a strange feeling, but it felt warm. Vox felt confused, just by feeling the presence of that strange man, he felt inexplicable things at the same time.

The man started yelling, "I'm Top G!" many times. That seemed fascinating to him.

Vox started to put his hand on his chest inadvertently, and his heart was beating faster than usual. He took out his phone and looked at his face with his camera. His eyes were shining in a strange way, one could even say, a little worrying. That's when he suddenly stopped and said to himself, "Am I...feeling what love is?" He automatically realized what he said and began to deny it to himself. He told himself that it was just a coincidence, love does not exist, there is no way. But still, no matter how many times he denied it, he couldn't help but raise his head again and try to search for that man with his gaze. Unfortunately, the man had already disappeared, but there was something in him that told him that they were going to meet again, and when that happens, they will be able to look at each other's faces. His feelings were there, but there was no way he was going to accept them. He began to shake his head in denial and continued his way home. When he got home, he changed his clothes and went to his room to read his book, but he couldn't even manage to do that. His thoughts consumed him more and more, he couldn't stop seeing the image of that amazing man in his head.

- ¿Am I really in love? ¡No! ¡It can not be possible! I can't accept that...

He was fed up and started rubbing his face with his hands in frustration, then turning off the lights and trying to go to sleep. The only thing Vox can do is deny his feelings, but he can't do that forever, and he knows that.

Is what he just experienced, love at first sight?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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