Day 1

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April 1967

I woke up by the loud noise that was made by my alarm. It was 6:30. ' It's too early for this' I thought. I slowly rub my eyes and stretch. I get up and slowly make my way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hop in a quick shower. Once I was out of the shower I stood infant of the mirror and looked at how tired I looked.

I go back through my room to dry myself and blow dry my hair. Once I've done that I pack my school bag and check what classes I have that day. Once my bag is packed I change into my school clothes. I look in the mirror again. ' I need makeup' I thought. I start to apply some light foundation. I curl my lashes and put mascara on. I wore a perfectly practiced cat eye.

I needed to fix my poofs curly hair. My hair is naturally curly/wavy. I put on my curlers and wait for them to heat up.

I curl the bits of hair that is wavy to make my hair look more curly.Once I finished styling my hair for my first day back, I make my way down the hall towards the kitchen. I grab and apple for my breakfast. I begin to eat it when I hear my sister Mary's alarm go off. She comes through the kitchen 5 minutes later to eat. Mary is 2 years older than me and she has this boyfriend who I don't like very much. I mean it's not like he's a bad person or that it's just that there's something about him. Mary had long blonde golden hair that sat perfectly. It was Mary's last year at my school before she went to college or university.

"Are you excited for your last year?" I asked. "Yes, I suppose." She says in her very 'posh' British accent.
"That's good."
"What about you?"
"Yeah I guess I'm exited."

I glance at the clock and realise the I have to leave soon. "Do you want a lift to school?" Mary asked.
"Who's coming?"
"Oh um, just me, you and Josh I think." She said. As you know I do not like josh much so I decided to pass."No thanks, I can walk." I say politely. 'I don't get why Mary doesn't walk to school, considering it's only like a 5 minute walk' I thought.

I go back into my bedroom to look in the mirror one last time before I head off the school. I quickly look in the mirror and fix some peices of lose hair.

It was now 8:20. So I decided to start my walk to school. "I'm leaving now!" I shout as I walk out the door.

I start to walk in the direction to school when I see other people from my school walking. "Hey Kim! How was your summer?" Jemma asked. Jemmy is my friend iv known her for as long as I can remember. "Yeah it was pretty good I guess. What about you?"
"Yeah it was ok, I didnt get up to much though." She says laughing a little.
I walk the rest of the way with her.

I finally reach the school gates. It was not 8:30 so I still had 10 minutes left. 'Here we go' I thought as I was walking into school. Once me and Jemma are inside we are greeted by the rest of our friend group, Veronica and Chrissy. "Hey!" They both say in unison as we begin to reach them. We all talk about how our summers went and what we got up to. "Yeah, and then she-" Chrissy says. I stop listening when I see a pretty blonde boy walk past me.

You could tell he was a new kid. 'I hope he's in my class' I thought. V caught me staring at the pretty blonde and said "Earth to Kim? Why are you staring at that boy?" She asked. "I'm not, shh!" I say.

Just as I say that the bell rang to symbolise the start of the school day.
The blonde boy comes up to me and asked "Hey, um I'm new could you show me where form 11c is?"
"Yeah I'm in that class. I'll take you to it follow me." I say trying to sound as nice as possible.

I take him to the form room and I go take a seat at the back. "Alright class! Welcome to 11th year! I'm Mrs.riley." She says. "As you can see we have a new student. This it Roger Taylor."
'I like that name'
"Why don't you tell the class a bit about yourself?" Mrs. Riley asked. "Alright." Roger says in a heavy British accent. "Well I'm Roger as you know." He chuckles. "Uhm, I'm in a band and it's called Smile. We play at a pub most nights."
' wow he's in a band!?'

"Alright now, why doesn't Kim take you a tour around the school and show you around?" She asked. "Yes, of course Ms." I say politely.

"So here's the lunch hall and beside it is the science classes." I say.
"Alright, I'll never remember that." He says laughing. "Yeah, you'll get used to it. Meanwhile, I'll take you to your classes." I say. We had almost every class together so I could show him to them.

Break time came very quick. I showed him the cafeteria and he got something to eat. After that, we went outside. "You smoke?" He asked offering me one. "Yeah but only sometimes." I said, taking one. "You have a light?" I ask. "Uh, yeah." He said, handing me one.
He takes a long enhale of his cigarette. "You know.." He hesitates. "Your a very pretty girl.." He said. "Thanks.. your not to bad yourself." I said, trying my best to hide my face. My face was burning.

After break I take the blonde to the science corridor. "So, on your left is Ms. Smiths classroom. She teaches biology. On your right is Mr. Fitz's classroom, he teaches physics."
"Alright." "I'll never remember that." He says chuckling. "And thats why I'm here." I said. I could see him blushing a bit. "Alright so down there is Mrs. Melvins classroom, she teaches chemistry."

The bell rings for lunch. "That went quick." Roger says. "Yeah."
"I forgot to ask, what are you studying here?" I ask, giving a friendly smile.
"Dentistry, what about you?"
"Well, I'm hoping to be a doctor." I said.

We get our food and I continue to show Roger the rest of the school. I show him where he has to go for when I'm not in his classes. I finnish my tour by showing him the PE building.

I finish my tour and we begin to walk to class. "Do you want to walk to school with me tomorrow? I don't mean that to sound creepy. I seen you walking to school this morning." He says. "Yeah, that sounds nice." I say smiling. "Lets meet at the monument." He says. "Alright."
We part ways to walk home

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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