"I'm glad you can at least stick up for yourself in that way," I said slowly, but I felt an ache for young Regulus, treasuring a slap from his brother because no one touched him.

The rest of the evening went similarly. We were mentally exhausted by the end of the rounds, but I felt better.

The next morning I was happy to sleep in. I yawned as I walked down stairs. I was hoping to see Reg today, or Dromeda. For once I wasn't thinking of the Marauders, of course that was the time James chased me down.

"Y/n, I've been looking all over for you," he said with a smile.

"You have?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I have something really important to say to you!" He said with a genuine smile.

"Oh, Um, okay," I said.

"I've figured out how to fix this whole Regulus issue," he said happily. I rolled my eyes.

"No, no, no, hear me out," he said, grabbing my hands.

"Fine," I said, and allowed him to speak.

"So I think the reason you're hanging out with him so much, is because you're lonely. I get it, we don't always spend the most time with you," he explained. I had no idea where this was going.

"So, I wanted to ask you something that I've wanted to say for a while," he grinned.

"Alright," I said cautiously.

"Will you go out with me? I know you can't go to Hogsmede, but we can figure something out," he offered. I was absolutely shocked. I couldn't believe this was real.

"Aren't you mad about Lily? When did you get over her?" I asked.

"I didn't, still in love with her," he said simply.

"Huh? Then what the fuck?" I asked.

"You've always been my back up," he said, still smiling. This felt like I was in a nightmare.

"Your what?" I demanded.

"I decided in third year, if Lily never fell for me, which seems to be happening, you'd be my back up. I mean Sirius and Remus are dating. If you and I got married, well, it'd be awesome. We always say we're like brother, I could actually be Peter's brother in law!" He said excitedly.

"Do you fucking hear yourself?" I asked in disbelief. Finally, the smile was wiped from his face. "You are way more cocky and self absorbed than I ever believed."

"I'm confused, I thought you'd be happy, I thought you had a crush on me?"

"That's how you treat someone who has a crush on you? Give them a pity date and marry them for perks?" I said, voice rising in pitch as my anger grew.

"Y/n, you've followed us around like a puppy for years. You're telling me you didn't want this to happen? I thought you'd feel lucky, and it'd make you happy," he tried to explain, and I realized he was so into his own little world, and his social status, that he truly didn't get it.

"James," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Imagine Lily finally came and asked you out. Then imagine she said that you were her back up and Snape didn't like her so she settled for you. Then, when you got upset, she said she thought you'd feel lucky. How would you feel?"

"Oh, oh I'd feel like shit," he said with a grimace.

"Exactly," I said.

"We could still give it a shot, I mean come on, what a cool story we'd have," he was smiling again.

"James," I shook my head. I felt tired again.

"Why would I ever let you date me, you can't even defend me from Peter," I said.

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