"Let's dance," I said.

"What?" He said, eyes like saucers.

"Let's dance, together," I smiled.

"You and me?" He asked.

"Yeah, who else would I mean. Why? Are you nervous?"

"Um, I only know ballroom dancing," he said sheepishly.

"What?" I giggled.

"In the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, it's a requirement. Sirius knows how too. So does Andromeda, they've just been to enough parties to learn others."

"Well, come on then," I said.

"What do you mean?" He squeaked.

"Let's look like idiots, we can do it together," I said. I took his hand, and made the stance for a waltz.

"You're ridiculous," he chuckled, as we waltzed through the couples grinding on one another. He spun me, and I was laughing. He caught me in his arms. We were chest to chest, and I could hardly breathe.

"Okay, now I'll show you my lame way, much more lazy and plain," I said. I was already pressed against him, so I moved his hands to my waist. He was bright pink as I looped my hands around his neck.

"What do we do now?" He asked.

"Just kinda sway," I chuckled. I felt him begin to breathe heavily.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," I whispered. "Is the touch too much?"

"Just give me a second to calm down, it isn't a bad feeling, just nervous."

"Don't be nervous, just steady yourself," I said, and I rubbed my thumb on the nape of his neck.

"Okay," he said and blew out a breath. "It's just when you're touch starved for so long, having it is overwhelming."

"I know what you mean," I told him gently. The song ended and Andromeda grabbed me again.

"Thanks for 5 galleons," she chuckled.

"Has he really never danced with anyone before?"

"When would he get his time to brood?" She rolled his eyes.

"Can I have more fire whisky?" I asked as I watched a very sexy woman walk up to Regulus. I didn't wait to see what he did.

"Yeah, help yourself," she said. I took another shot or two, enjoying the burning sensation in my stomach. Some attractive Slytherin asked me to dance, and I agreed. However, every time I was spun I began to feel sick.

I stumbled over to Regulus.

"Hey you," I giggled.

"Oh dear," he said with a small smile. "You're drunk."

"Maybeeee," I sang.

He smirked and took another tug of his sorcerer cig. He blew the smoke out of the corner of his mouth.

"Blow that smoke in my face Reg," I begged, feeling something in my core heat.

"Huh," he asked. I moved forward abruptly, half purposeful, half stumble. I grabbed onto him, and we were pressed against one another.

"Hi," he said, he looked stunned.

"Who do you have a crush on?" I asked.

"What?" He squeaked.

"I said that wrong, who was a childhood crush of yours?"

"Aw mines embarrassing, you tell me yours," he said as he gently guided me towards the door. I could tell he thought I was too drunk to still be here.

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