Chapter one

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Sex is the greatest power a woman has over a man.

A man will do almost anything for a woman once she dangles her sexy panties in front of his face, as if you were to taunt a rabbit with a carrot. Men also poison the lives of women with their mere existence.

Which is what this group of women set out to do.

            Overpower men to the extent of removing every drop of venom from the fangs of society.


            "Gods," he groaned as he finished the final thrusts of his orgasm, "that was fantastic." His voice was breathless, and he flopped next to me. The mattress vibrated with the thuds of his heart racing, and I listened to his weak attempts to catch his breath.

            I, however, am not given the luxury. Nothing I hadn't already expected. Sex is a tool, not an equal exchange.

            He rolled over and I could see the glow in his eyes, the glow of pleasure and the need for more.

            "That... was the best I've had," I said lustfully, once I realized he was looking for that same glow in my eyes. I, of course, couldn't care less about the bloke.

            His name is Adrian Pucey, and he is a serial cheater and wife abuser. Hushed remarks about his... tendencies... have plagued the coffee tables of monthly book clubs for years. It wasn't until my confidant, Pansy Parkinson, had verbal confirmation from Adrian's wife, Audrey, about his sinful acts. She was a prideful witch, one that valued public appearances, and a much less than perfect marriage was not a part of her portfolio.

            That is where we come in.

            Fucking and purging, without a trace.

            Audrey and the rest of Wizarding Britain will think it was a night of chemical highs gone wrong. His poor judgement cost him his life. When, in actuality, his morality was his demise.

            The greatest part of being a muggle-born is when you use muggle forms of execution, the magical folk are lost when it comes to self-preservation. For example, a syringe of Midazolam, Vecuronium Bromide, and Potassium chloride into the Aorta, will do a mixture of things to a human body. With the injection entering the main artery of the Cardiovascular System, the Midazolam will sedate, the Vecuronium Bromide will paralyze the muscles, and the Potassium Chloride will stop the heart. By then, the unlucky bloke will be rendered dead before they had the chance to process what is happening to them and how to stall or reverse it.

            Which is the fate of our friend Adrian, the syringe has already left his chest and he is scattering to understand what has happened to him. The staggered and jolting movements of his limbs already tells me that the Vecuronium Bromide has taken effect and we were only a couple of minutes away from his heart-stopping.

            As his lungs grew weak, and he struggled to keep his eyes open, I removed myself from the germ-filled sheets. Finding my black dress folded nicely on the bench at the end of the bed, I slipped in and zipped it up.

            "To remind you, Adrian," I say, approaching myself in the mirror mounted to the wall of the hotel room, "men exist to serve women. When one does unkind things to a woman, we bite back."

            I freshened my red lips and removed unwanted smudges with my fingers. "If reincarnation is the result of death, I do hope you remember what happens to men like you." Then, I took all my hair in my hands and pulled it into a ponytail.

            I slid each foot into the black heels I had discarded when I entered the room. Just before I walked away from the mirror, I draped my handbag over my shoulder and stalked over to the cadaver. His body was frozen beautifully, and his fear was cemented into his face.

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