"You're an alien?" he asked to confirm.

"Now that's just offensive" the man(?) replied.

Hyunjin sighed. Okay, so it wasn't a roleplay – pity – and honestly he'd experienced freakier scenarios previously. Wait...did he have tentacles? He chanced a quick glance down and nope, he was just wearing normal clothes. Normal human clothes even. Black slacks. He did look like a hot executive or with the robe on like a doctor. Appropriate. Huh, guess he was a doctor. Well...intergalactic student doctor. Still. Hot.

"Why is your penis twitching?" the man replied.

Hyunjin didn't even need to look down, he knew it was true. He felt the arousal and well, it had been a while okay? Interior design was kicking his ass and not in a good way so this may be his only chance in the near future.

He put on his most charming smile and blinked slowly. Wait, wasn't that a cat kiss? Meow. Time to see if his moves worked with non-humans.

"What's your name doctor?"

"Why did you voice drop an octave? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Hyunjin sheepishly smiled. Guess that had been worth a shot. He did ask him his name again.

"My name is Seungmin" the man – Seungmin – replied.

"Huh? Why do you have a Korean name? Actually, how can we communicate?"

"My species isn't stupid. We know that most worlds have different regions so I have studied Korean, Japanese and English in order to focus on those that speak those languages on your world apart from other languages from other worlds. As for my name, my parents liked Korean names" Seungmin shrugged.

Seungmin knew at least three languages just from Earth? With other languages from others and his own? He was shrugging nonchalantly? Hyunjin would have willingly lost his clothes by then because this man was smart.

"Did you learn dirty talk too?"

Seungmin just glared at him or rather his impassive expression remained impassive but it was even more impassive than before?

Wait. Consent. Important.

"Why am I naked without consent?" he asked. He didn't try to cover up however. He had been seen in his entirety and he didn't feel uncomfortable. Seungmin seemed harmless. They were both just students trying to survive.

"I apologise for that but I really need to finish this report on human bodies and I will wipe your memory after anyway. There won't be any trauma. I tried to be as non-invasive as possible and simply observe but I guess the thermometer was intrusive."

Aww. Seungmin was blushing!

"It's okay. I've had way bigger things in there. Do you take your own temperatures like that too?" Hyunjin asked.

"Of course not but our technology is too advanced and we're afraid to use it on you in case of adverse effects. Sometimes archaic methods are safer."

Aww his huffing was cute as well. Okay he needed to try again. He wasn't a quitter (but if he wasn't interested, he'll just help him with his report and then he guessed he won't remember anything afterwards so no harm done).

"Are you going to prod me doctor? If so you have my consent."

He really shouldn't be consenting to things he didn't know about. For all he knew he'll get a machine that would scramble his brain or change his blood or something but sue him, he was horny!

"For the last time, I'm not a doctor yet." Was the terse reply.

Hyunjin had reached his rejection threshold. Was he that undesirable?

What's coming? [SeungJin]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz