2: first we perish. then we live. (1)

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2: first we perish. then we live. (1)

"No, don't buy me anything. I just accompanied you to--" but he was cut off when the child pushed the small carton of milk onto his hands.

"Take it, mister. It's my thank you." The child insisted. "Please take it."

Now that the child repeated it twice, it would be rude of Hitsugaya Seiichi if he refused the child again. With a defeated expression, he grabbed the carton of milk from the child who smiled at him in victory. Seiichi rolled his eyes but there was no denying that he found the kid likeable.

At least, he was better than that illegitimate brother of his.

"Okay, I'll take it. If I take it, will you go home right away?"

The child blinked and looked down, as if debating whether or not he should. When Seiichi saw this, he grew a bit frantic. "Don't you have a curfew to beat? Go home, kid."

"I don't wanna."

Ohmygad this brat--

"Because I don't know how to get home."



"... where do you live? I'll take you home."

Unbeknownst to Seiichi, the child internally clenched his fist and mentally shouted, success!



Young Akaashi Keiji walked behind this mister. Although he had grown up in Tokyo and actually knew the ins and outs, he was a bit skeptical leaving this mister on his own. When Keiji saw him already halfway falling into the river, his mind quickly tried to think of how to save him without prying into his business.

And so, he acted like he was new to the city.

And it worked!

The mister who was about to jump walked back to answer him, and even agreed to walk him to the convenience store. When they got there, Keiji was still worried that this mister might head back to the bridge and think of jumping again. Thus, Keiji acted like he didn't know how to get home.

At the moment, the mister walked three steps ahead of him, guiding Keiji to the streets he was most familiar with. Although the mister seemed like a puppy afraid of the world, the mister still guided him and even told Keiji advices to keep in mind when it gets dark.

Some of them, Keiji knew. And other, he didn't. So, Keiji listened carefully. "-- and remember," the mister said as soon as they reached a house Keiji grew up in. "Next time, don't just approach strangers. You're lucky it was a person like me who helped you."

"Mister, would you like to come inside?"

"Have you been listening to what I've said?!"

"Keiji," the front door clicked open, revealing a woman who looked so much like Keiji. "Keiji, who's this?" She looked at her child who smiled at her and towards the young teenager who grew embarrassed when she glanced at him. "is he your friend?"

Before the youth could answer, Keiji beat him to it. "Yes, mom. I was going to invite him to eat dinner with us."

"That's great!" She exclaimed, expressions lighting up. "I've made quite a lot today since I was in a good mood. Come inside, you two."

From the corner of his eyes, Keiji saw the reluctance on the teenager's face. When he thought that the mister was about to refuse, Keiji quickly grabbed his hand and pulled the startled youth towards his house. "Let's go. Mom's cooking is well-known in our neighborhood. You'll definitely like the food."

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