"You can still kiss my neck, just let's not just spend the whole time I'm here kissing." She insisted.

"Well what else are we supposed to do?" He asked.

"You sound like a little kid." She says.

"Well, I am still seventeen. How old are you?" He ask.

"Seventeen." She says.

"But I thought Billy was a senior?" Steve says.

"He is, we're twins." She says. He stood there looking at her in shock at the new found information.

"I know we're nothing alike, don't even look alike." Nicole goes on.

"Who's older?" He ask.

"Me, I was born an hour and twenty three minutes before him, he got stuck so it took longer for him to come out." Nicole laughed.

"So how old is your sister?" Steve ask.

"Thirteen." She responds.

"I wish I had a sibling. It wouldn't be so boring here. Like I did everything alone when I was a kid, played at the park alone, swam alone..."

"Oh my gosh that's right! You have a pool!" She said running and looking out the window. "Sorry I interrupted you, I just love swimming!" She said.

"We can go swimming if you want." He offers, she seemed to debate it but shook her head.

"It's fall, and anyways I don't have a suit." She replies.

"Okay, well what do you want to do then?" Steve ask.

"I don't know, oh! Do you want to go to the arcade?" She ask excitedly.

"Sure don't see why not." He says grabbing her hand as they walk down stairs.

"Where are you going?" Steve's father ask.

"Out." He responds.

"Shouldn't you be study? You need to live up to the Harrington name, you have time for girls later. You need to focus so you can actually be smart and run the family business." He says. Steve rolls his eyes and response to him.

They hop in to Steve's car, making the drive to the arcade and walking in.

"This place is cool." Steve says.

"I know! It's amazing! Come here!" She said guiding him to the pac man game and taking out her wallet, fishing through the coin pocket for a quarter.

"Here." Steve says handing her a roll of quarters. She looks at him confused as to why he was just carrying that around but choose to ignore it. She suddenly saw Max walk in the door.

"Oooo! Steve! Come meet my sister!" She cheered walking up to her, who was standing in the doorway.

"Max! This is Steve!" She introduced.

"Nic." Max said motioning her head towards her brothers car which was outside with opened up revealing a complete view of the three of them.

"Shit." Nicole said pushing Steve over.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"Billy just saw us here, together." She said motioning her finger between them.

"Shit." Steve repeated. They looked outside and Billy was gone.

"Maybe he didn't see us." Steve shrugged.

"Let's go." Nicole says.

"But we just got here." Steve complains.

"I know, I'm sorry. But we can do something else, how bout we head back to your house and take a walk together?" She offers, earning a nod from him in agreement.

Only For You - Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now