Jungkook was relieved to hear Yoongi's dad had gotten caught. A small justice. His heart ached to think about Yoongi as a child, not knowing what was going on and being unable to have a normal, happy childhood.

Dads were supposed to teach you to ride a bike and praise you for doing a good job at school, not force you to wear a dress and take pictures for perverts on the internet.
He glared, anger surging through him at the man who started all this. He wished he could visit Yoongi's dad and just punch him.

"Then, Yoonji came when Yoongi's dad got the idea to make him crossdress and wear make-up." Suga continued. "I'm not going to talk about her much because that's the easiest way to trigger her back."

Seokjin nodded. "Alright. Can you tell me more about the fourth personality? Yoonie? He seems cute."

"Oh, he is!" Suga smiled brightly. "Everyone loves Yoonie because it's simply impossible to hate him. He's just a cute little baby who loves everyone and wants to be taken care of."

"So, all the personalities know about each other?" Seokjin asked.

Suga nodded. "Yes, we leave each other notes when we can to inform the next person what happened while they were in charge. Except for Agust, he doesn't get along with anyone."

"Who comes out the most?" Seokjin had so many questions, but Suga was patient.

"Yoongi is in charge 90% of the time, and I take over about 6% of the time. His medication has really helped him not need me or Yoonie much anymore and makes it harder for Agust or Yoonji to come out. But rarely, something unexpected will happen and Agust is the third most likely to take over, unfortunately. Then it's Yoonji, and Yoonie has only taken over a few times since Yoongi made him. He's very submissive so it's uncommon for him to push his way to the front, so to say." Suga explained.

He turned into a driveway. "Jimin, you're home."

Jungkook shook the pinkette awake.

"Huh?" Jimin looked around. "Oh, thank you." He unclipped his seatbelt and opened his door.

"Bye Jimin." Jungkook called softly. "I'll text you later."

Jimin nodded, waved to Seokjin and Suga and shut the door.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the other car parked in his driveway until someone stepped out of it, blocking his path.

"Chimmy." The voice grinned.

Jimin stopped, shocked to see him there.



After making sure Hoseok got inside safely, Taehyung pulled out his phone and called Yoongi.

Of course, Suga answered.

"Hello, Taehyung."

"Hey…" Taehyung bit his nail. "Uh, so when do you think Yoongi will come back? I need to talk to him."

"Not sure yet, seeing those tapes so suddenly really pushed him down, so I couldn't tell you for sure. But don't worry, I will fill in for Yoongi until he comes back." Suga hummed.
"Then, do you mind if I ask you a few questions back at your place when you get home?" Taehyung asked. "Actually, it's more than a few questions. More like an interview."

"Sure." Suga agreed.

Taehyung relaxed against his seat. "Awesome, thank you."

He hung up and stared at nothing. Now he was finally going to get some progress made on his research paper.


Namjoon paced in his room, biting his lip nervously as his mind raced.

He felt so guilty. Especially to Hoseok. He didn't know why he cared so much; he tried to tell himself to stop it, but then he remembered Hoseok's face when he was confronted and felt terrible all over again. Even what Jimin said to him hurt.

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