We watched the orphan and half way through the movie "what the hell happened in here!" We heard Mrs. Romanoff yell. Mr. Stark got up and crawled out "we built a blanket fort, do you like it?" "Do I like it? I love it!" Nat said before crawling in. Pepper must've been with her cause the next thing you know she was next to Tony. Everyone ofc had their shoes off because it's impossible to be under or over a blanket with shoes. Prove me wrong.

"How did you even convince Mr. stark to build this" Mrs. Romanoff asked me "I mean, I just asked-" "wow he must really like you" she said with a laugh. I mean I knew Mr. stark likes me by doesn't he just Pity me like the rest of the team?

By the end of the movie Cooper was fast asleep on his dad, same with Lila. Angela was asleep with Rocket sleeping next to her, Wanda was sleeping on Pietro's shoulder while Pietro was still awake and eating all the popcorn. Jose was half asleep but still awake, me, Mr. Barton, Mr. stark, Mrs. Potts, And Mrs. Romanoff were also still awake.

"Has anyone one seen th- what the hell?" Someone's said while walking in the living room. Mr. Stark rolled his eyes then crawled out once again. "Hey Drax like our fort?" "I love it Tony" Mr. Drax said. "Have you seen Rocket, me and Peter weren't done with annoying him" "nope! That raccoon is probably hiding in the vents, probably eating Clint's donuts" Mr. stark said.

"Hey! How do you know about those" Clint yelled soft enough to not wake anyone up but loud enough for everyone to hear. Mr. Stark scoffed a laugh then shood Drax away and came back in. After the first movie Mrs. Potts grabbed more popcorn and we put on The orphan: First kill.

My phone was vibrating non stop again so I went to go check it, it was Ned and Mj asking when I was finna be back. "Hey mr. Stark" I whispered "when do you think I can see my friends again" "I'm not sure kid, but hopefully by the summer" he said while eating popcorn. They were the only ones who knew i wasn't in New York.

The losers

Sorry guys but idk what time I'll be back In New York :(
Mr. Stark said hopefully before the summer which is like 4 months away-

Ned led

Queen of everyone
Just run away loser, I miss you a lot

Ned led
Ya school hits different know
Flash leaves us alone though cause of Mj's threats and he's glad your gone but the police did interrogate him abt the gun.

Queen of everyone
Ofc his dad bribed the police out of the problem and Flash was suspended for a week


Queen of everyone
Maria has been wondering where you are, Dr. Banner hasn't been in his lab in a while and all the avengers have been missing for the past week which is strange, I thought you were staying with Mr. Stark and Jose.

Huh... uhhh.... Ya I am only staying with Mr. stark, Jose and Joses sister Angela
Wonder where everyone else went.

Queen of everyone
Dr. Banner was in his lab yesterday though which Maria was happy about, Bruce did say him and Mrs. Potts wouldn't be around as often because of an enemy case mission.
Has anyone found out your spidey yet?

Well... y'know how Jose already knows I was spidey well now HawkEye knows, he saved me from those 'agents' chasing me.
He crossed his heart not to tell anyone and felt really bad for poisoning me and then complained abt how I beat him

Ned leds
Sounds like Clint Barton to me-

I gtg

Ned led

Queen of everyone
Bye loser

The news had reported that me and Jose were "rescued" so I was able to do school again online which is kinda boring but I mean I need to graduate, even though next year I'm able to graduate I'm going to stay in school for the rest of high school so I'll have a normal high school experience.

I was starting to get really tired and couldn't stay awake, I leaned onto Mr. Starks shoulder and closed my eyes after a few minutes. He started playing with my brown curls while I fell into deep peaceful sleep.

I woke up to Jose shaking me awake "wake up we gotta do school it's 11:30 am" I groaned but got up. Everyone else was still asleep so we crawled over them, grabbed our MacBooks then went back inside our amazing pillow blanket fort.

We had our AirPods connects to the computers so no sound came out and woke everyone up, I had to do Algebra first, then AP advanced world geography, AP biology, English, Spanish, human anatomy and physiology, then my last class chemistry. Before you say it, ye I know I have three science classes I love science.

I did first period algebra which was kinda boring but easy at least, then I had to make flash cards for a geography vocabulary test next week. I helped Jose with some calculus he had trouble with them went onto the rest of school.

I finished all my classes around 3 pm and closed my MacBook to see if I could fall back to sleep, I leaned by head back onto Mr. Starks shoulder and closed my eyes.

What must've been a few hours late Mr. rogers had came into the living room with Mr. Barnes and woke all of us up saying dinner was ready. We all woke up and complained "it's too early for this" Pietro said in a yawn "5 more minutes" Cooper said before closing his eyes again.

Clint laughed then picked Cooper up and brought him to the dining room, we all got out and we were questioned about why the living room was a fort. "We were bored and needed something to do" Jose said "but why a fort" Mr. Rogers asked "cause they are amazing now stop questioning and eat your food cap" Mr. stark said after rolling his eyes

I didn't eat a lot of the casserole but I ate some so they didn't think I didn't like it or were sus about anything. "You ok sweetie?" Mrs. Potts asked "uhh... yes ma'am I'm ok" I said with a slight smile clearly lying. She smiled sadly

1868 words
Bro a kid at my school had a duffel bag of weed in the boys bathroom-
I should also be asleep rn it's 2 am

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