~The Uneventful Morning~

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(So, I know this isn't going to be as good as other books but still enjoy!

Clover POV...

I had started to walk through the crowds of people as stealing had been easier this way, I had gotten my hands on 2 goldens rings and a wallet. 'What a steal!' I thought to myself. I walked to the stand with a few coins to pay for food.

As I walked to the stands some kids had stolen some food knowing they would get scolded, Well the owner of the stand caught them and was about to smack the food out of there hand until another person came. They were the most perfect person I had ever seen, almost like it was just out of a movie or something! they had black braids with yellow eyes. "Hey! just leave them alone! they're hungry!" The cookie yelled. "Well, are you going to pay for it?" The owner yelled. " I have nothing to pay you with!" The cookie hollered. "Well then," The owner speaks up "Why don't you just pay me with this jewelry you have on?" He says while holding up the cookie's arm while taking a bracelet off. "Hey! you can't just take that!" The cookie yells while slamming their hands on the table. "WELL, IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO PAY WITH THEN I CAN TAKE THIS!" The owner yells while putting it in his pocket. Of course, I stole it just out of spite, just for that cookie.

"Hey bud," I say while standing next to the owner. "Why don't you go easy on the lady? They're only protecting the kids." I say with confidence. "Well, they HAD to PAY me and even if they were protecting the kids, they need to realize that they can't get away with EVERYTHING." They start scolding. "Fine Fine, I'll take them then. Cmon let's go!" I say while taking their wrist in a firm grasp. "Hey wait! I have to get my bracelet back!" They yell while trying to get out of my grasp. "Do you mean this bracelet?" I say while taking out a jeweled-out bracelet from my pocket. "H-how did you get that! He was keeping a strong watch on that!" They say while putting it back on their wrist. "Let's just say, I have a good way of stealing things!" I say while winking. "Heh, your funny!" they say while giggling. "I'm licorice by the way!" They say. "Well nice to meet you licorice! I'm clover" I say while smiling.

The owner put his hand into his pocket to look at the bracelet, He then realized it wasn't there. "Hey... HEY! THEY TOOK MY BRACELET! THEIVES THEIVESS!" The owner yells while pointing at us. I grab licorice's wrist and run off through the crowd and we get stuck on the rooftops. As I rush to jump to the next building licorice stops me. "What's wrong licorice? We have to jump!" I say while almost yelling. "I can't! I wasn't made or trained for jumping from high places like this!" licorice says while yelling. "Fine then, I will help you then!" I say while picking them up and jumping to the next building and running. I watch as blush crept onto their face as I held them in my arms. 

We made it to solid ground in an alley way, I started to walk towards a string and pull it, letting a ladder hand down. While we walk up the stairs. All licorice could do was stare at it in awe. "Wow... This is yours? " They say while looking and touching everything. "Well yeah!" I speak up "It was most of my dad's stuff but then I moved out and just moved into this place!" I say. I watch as licorice walks up to the balcony and gasps. "I need to get out more.. Wait is that a prince ship?" "Oh yeah it is, Something wrong? I say while they look shocked. "I need to get back home.." Licorice says while running out of the house.

Is this what love feels like?

(Hi everyone! so I hope you enjoy this weeks chapter! I know I said every 2 weeks but I just felt like this had to be finished so it came out EARLY. enjoy the corn I sent you U_U)

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